Office 2003, SP2 on a new laptop, no excel add-ins installed.
1. When we open a blank sheet, and use the draw arrow tool to create a new
line, the endpoints show up, while the line and arrow do not. If I click on
either endpoint, the line and arrow show properly.
2. When we open a previously created sheet with boxes and arrows, only part
of the lines of the arrows show up, not all. If the same file is opened on
another workstation, all the arrows and lines show up fine. The file was
created last week on the affected computer, and now has issues.
I have tried a detect and repair - no change. The affected file was opened
(properly) on another machine, saved as a different file name, and then tried
on the affected machine - no change.
I would appreciate any insight into this problem, and welcome your questions
and comments.
- Dave