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XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

  1. #1

    XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    I know IRR works with non-continguous values, but I can't
    get XIRR to work. Here's what I'm doing:

    =XIRR((B1,B5), (A1,A5), 0.07)

    A B
    1/21/2005 -750
    12/31/2005 795

    I get #VALUE! IRR works on the same cells, minus
    the date arguments of course.


  2. #2

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values? wrote:
    > =XIRR((B1,B5), (A1,A5), 0.07)

    should those have colons between the cells? like B1:B5

  3. #3

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    In this case I only have two dates and two values which
    are not located in adjacent cells in the spreadsheet. This
    is supposed to work in IRR, and it does, but I can't get
    it to work in XIRR. I can do:

    IRR((A1,A5), .07)


  4. #4

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values? wrote:
    > In this case I only have two dates and two values which
    > are not located in adjacent cells in the spreadsheet.

    Sorry, misunderstood the original question. Hmm, doesn't look like XIRR
    works with non-contiguous cells.

  5. #5
    vandenberg p

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?


    Works for me, either way.

    A B
    1: -100 3/17/2006
    5: 120 3/17/2007
    6: 0.200000001
    7: 0.200000001

    Formula in b6 and b7

    6: =XIRR((A1:A5), (B1:B5),0.07)
    7: =XIRR(A1:A5,B1:B5,0.07)

    Pieter Vandenberg

    Bucky <> wrote:
    : wrote:
    :> In this case I only have two dates and two values which
    :> are not located in adjacent cells in the spreadsheet.
    : Sorry, misunderstood the original question. Hmm, doesn't look like XIRR
    : works with non-contiguous cells.

  6. #6

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    It wouldn't work if you put random stuff in A2, A3, B2, B3 etc,
    would it? I'm trying to get XIRR to pay attention only to
    rows 1 and 5 . . .

    vandenberg p wrote:
    > Hello:
    > Works for me, either way.
    > A B
    > 1: -100 3/17/2006
    > 2: foo xx
    > 3: bar yy
    > 4: itsit zz
    > 5: 120 3/17/2007
    > 6: 0.200000001
    > 7: 0.200000001
    > Formula in b6 and b7
    > 6: =XIRR((A1:A5), (B1:B5),0.07)
    > 7: =XIRR(A1:A5,B1:B5,0.07)
    > Pieter Vandenberg
    > Bucky <> wrote:
    > : wrote:
    > :> In this case I only have two dates and two values which
    > :> are not located in adjacent cells in the spreadsheet.
    > : Sorry, misunderstood the original question. Hmm, doesn't look like XIRR
    > : works with non-contiguous cells.

  7. #7
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    On 17 Mar 2006 13:04:46 -0800, wrote:

    >I know IRR works with non-continguous values, but I can't
    >get XIRR to work. Here's what I'm doing:
    >=XIRR((B1,B5), (A1,A5), 0.07)
    > A B
    >1/21/2005 -750
    >12/31/2005 795
    >I get #VALUE! IRR works on the same cells, minus
    >the date arguments of course.

    XIRR will not work with non-contiguous values for dates or values (unless there
    are only blanks between them).

    However, Harlan Grove wrote a UDF which will, if you NAME the non-contiguous

    <alt-F11> opens the VB Editor.

    Ensure your project is highlighted in the project explorer window. Then,
    Insert/Module and paste the code below into the window that opens.

    Read the comments in the UDF.

    You can then use it as =myxirr(values, dates, guess)

    Function myxirr( _
    v As Variant, _
    d As Variant, _
    Optional g As Double = 0 _
    ) As Variant
    'this udf requires an explicit reference to APTVBAEN.XLA
    'if v and/or d represent non-contiguous ranges, they should be NAME'd
    Dim vv As Variant, dd As Variant, X As Variant, i As Long

    If TypeOf v Is Range Then
    ReDim vv(1 To v.Cells.Count)
    i = 0
    For Each X In v
    i = i + 1
    vv(i) = X.Value
    Next X
    vv = v
    End If

    If TypeOf d Is Range Then
    ReDim dd(1 To d.Cells.Count)
    i = 0
    For Each X In d
    i = i + 1
    dd(i) = X.Value
    Next X
    dd = d
    End If

    myxirr = IIf(g <> 0, xirr(vv, dd, g), xirr(vv, dd))
    End Function


  8. #8

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?



    Hope this helps!

    In article <>, wrote:

    > I know IRR works with non-continguous values, but I can't
    > get XIRR to work. Here's what I'm doing:
    > =XIRR((B1,B5), (A1,A5), 0.07)
    > A B
    > 1/21/2005 -750
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > 12/31/2005 795
    > I get #VALUE! IRR works on the same cells, minus
    > the date arguments of course.
    > Bob

  9. #9

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    Thanks for the help, Ron and Domenic!


  10. #10
    vandenberg p

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    The real question is why would you expect that to work.

    Pieter Vandenberg wrote:
    : It wouldn't work if you put random stuff in A2, A3, B2, B3 etc,
    : would it? I'm trying to get XIRR to pay attention only to
    : rows 1 and 5 . . .

    : vandenberg p wrote:
    :> Hello:
    :> Works for me, either way.
    :> A B
    :> 1: -100 3/17/2006
    :> 2: foo xx
    :> 3: bar yy
    :> 4: itsit zz
    :> 5: 120 3/17/2007
    :> 6: 0.200000001
    :> 7: 0.200000001
    :> Formula in b6 and b7
    :> 6: =XIRR((A1:A5), (B1:B5),0.07)
    :> 7: =XIRR(A1:A5,B1:B5,0.07)
    :> Pieter Vandenberg
    :> Bucky <> wrote:
    :> : wrote:
    :> :> In this case I only have two dates and two values which
    :> :> are not located in adjacent cells in the spreadsheet.
    :> : Sorry, misunderstood the original question. Hmm, doesn't look like XIRR
    :> : works with non-contiguous cells.

  11. #11

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    vandenberg p wrote:
    > The real question is why would you expect that to work.

    Like the OP said in the original post, IRR works with noncontiguous
    cells, so why not XIRR?

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Re: XIRR & non-Contiguous Values?

    Domenic - thanks for the great tip! I've been trying to figure that one out for a while. You can still also use array multiplication within the XIRR formula if, like me, you often represent your starting cash flow as positive, eg:


    with values in C29 and F13 and dates in C4 and F4

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