Periodically, I need to extract data from one of my email inboxes. To do so, I open Excel. From that, I open the desired inbox from my email program. Excel opens it just like it would any other text file - sometimes.

Here's my question. The process works flawlessly from my laptop which has Excel 2000 v.9.

However, from my desktop, which has the same email program version, but a newer version of Excel (Excel 2002 SP-1), it doesn't work. I copied the inbox file that opens fine on my laptop to my desktop. When I try to open it from my desktop (with the newer version of Excel), I always get an error message which says, "(Name of file) is not a valid Web Archive."

I don't know what Web Archives have to do with any of this and all of the available Excel converters which come with Microsoft Office have been installed on the machine.

Any idea how I can get Excel 2002 to stop creating these error messages and actually open the file?
