One way that might work would be to have the new excel save and work
compatible with excel 2000

"orutulsa" <> wrote in
> Periodically, I need to extract data from one of my email inboxes. To
> do so, I open Excel. From that, I open the desired inbox from my email
> program. Excel opens it just like it would any other text file -
> sometimes.
> Here's my question. The process works flawlessly from my laptop which
> has Excel 2000 v.9.
> However, from my desktop, which has the same email program version, but
> a newer version of Excel (Excel 2002 SP-1), it doesn't work. I
> copied the inbox file that opens fine on my laptop to my desktop. When
> I try to open it from my desktop (with the newer version of Excel), I
> always get an error message which says, "(Name of file) is not a valid
> Web Archive."
> I don't know what Web Archives have to do with any of this and all of
> the available Excel converters which come with Microsoft Office have
> been installed on the machine.
> Any idea how I can get Excel 2002 to stop creating these error messages
> and actually open the file?
> Thanks
> --
> orutulsa
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