am trying to compare two different techniques for assigning resources to projects. I have created a simple simulation but currently have to solve it manuallly and would like to automate it in xcel so I can change parameters.
The assumptions are that there are 9 projects each with different optimal sizes (averaging 8) and expected durations (Averaging 1 month). Ultimately I want to know which models complete the 9 projects in the quickest time under differnt conditions and what the resource utilization rate is.
In one structure you have three teams of 8 people each working on the same, single proejct. As soon as that proejct is done they start the next one. If the ideal size is less than the 8 people on the team the extra people contribute .25 to the output.
In the other structure you have 24 indiivudal assigned to projects based on their optimal size and kept on the project for its duration. A project can only start when it has a full compliment of people assigned to it.
I would like to automate it so I can adjust project size asusmptions and also introduce uncertainty (i.e. the likelihood that a project will exceed its expected duration).
Any ideas on how to contruct this in excel?