hi, i'm trying to have a cell reference in an equation following a
moving data point ...
Assumption #1 - column A has data A1=1, A2=5, A3=3
Assumption #2 - column B has an equation referring to the "3" in A3
Goal - to have my equation follow the data point "3"
Initially - my equation refers to cell A3 (where the value "3" is
Interaction - I **sort** column A so that the data is ascending order,
i.e., A1=1, A2=3, A3=5
Problem - my equation still refers to cell A3 (i.e., value is now 5,
originally was 3). I want the equation to refer to wherever my data
point went (i.e., to refer to whatever cell the 3 is sorted to, in this
case A2).
Corollary - if i change the data point e.g., to 7, then re-sort, i'd
like the equation to automatically refer to the 7, no matter where it's
re-sorted to
It is possible to have an equation refer to a moving data point or
cell? How to? Thanks in advance,