I have used a simple chart like this one for daily tracking of sales reps.
Just a list of names, with an option for putting an X any under the
appropriate heading, they are either (In) the office or (Out) of the office
meaning in the field or just not at the office but not on vaction i.e sick or
have gone home for the day, (V) is vacation and (R.T.W.) is (return to work)
and the date is listed accordingly. Note: tried to copy and paste the actual
roster but it didn't align correctly, hopefully it still makes sense after
posting lol.
Roster In Out V R.T.W.
John Dear X
Joan Deer X
Jim Johnson X 4/12/2006
"Delma McDonald" wrote:
> Would anyone have a simple staff roster that they would be willing to share
> with me? It would possibly be an excel spreadsheet and be able to track
> people on leave as well as those rostered on. I would not need any upkeep by
> the author as I will be able to manipulate it to suit my own needs.