if I embed a word document in excel2003 (insert>object>create from file) on
A4 size paper; one page is completely shown.
1. I can stretch the object (double arrowed pointer when going over the
frame). I don't get more to see of the word document. Its' stretched like you
would stretch a picture.
2. I can crop negative on the borders (fomat object): the frame ove the
object is stretched but not the document view: hence I see more of the
document. THat is until the frame is bigger than the actual page of the
embedded word document: than the document is stretched again as a picture.

No for the real problem:
If I embed a word document in excel2003 on a A3 size paper (which is twice
A4) only 3/4 of the first page is shown.
1. I can't stretch the right border (as in the A4 example it problably
wouldn't give me more view of the page as it's would be stretched as a
2. If I crop negative on the right or left border: I can see more of the
page but the frame is not adjusted resulting in a compressed view of the
3. I can try to change the size the width of the object (through fomat
object): again the right and left borders don't change, the view is changed
(stretched) though.

As a conlusion I can say that in no way I could stretch the frame of the
embedded object beyond 32.76cm.
Even if I stretch the object with the A4 document I just can't get it wider
than 32.76cm.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

(I've loaded all latest updated).
