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steps to eM URL?

  1. #1

    steps to eM URL?

    From OutLook Expr - how do yo ga-about sendng an URL?

  2. #2
    Ron de Bruin

    Re: steps to eM URL?

    With code ?

    Sub Mail_Text_in_Body()
    'Example for Outlook Express
    'In Excel 2002 I can use around 600-700 characters
    Dim msg As String, cell As Range
    Dim Recipient As String, Subj As String, HLink As String
    Dim Recipientcc As String, Recipientbcc As String
    Recipient = "ron@debruin.nl"
    Recipientcc = ""
    Recipientbcc = ""
    'You can use a cell value also like this
    'Recipient = Sheets("mysheet").Range("A1").Value
    Subj = "Testbodymail"
    'Subj = Sheets("mysheet").Range("A2").Value
    msg = "http://www.rondebruin.nl/easyfilter.htm"

    HLink = "mailto:" & Recipient & "?" & "cc=" & Recipientcc & "&" & "bcc=" & Recipientbcc & "&"
    HLink = HLink & "subject=" & Subj & "&"
    HLink = HLink & "body=" & msg

    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (HLink)
    ' Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
    ' Application.SendKeys "%s"
    End Sub

    See also

    Regards Ron de Bruin

    "boswell6@sbcglobal.net" <boswell6sbcglobalnet@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > From OutLook Expr - how do yo ga-about sendng an URL?

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