I copied some numbers from a brokerage account(see attached) but I can't manipulate (subtract/add) them.
Please Help
Woops. I just found out that I can't attach an xls file. What good is an excel help site if you can't deal with xls files?
I copied some numbers from a brokerage account(see attached) but I can't manipulate (subtract/add) them.
Please Help
Woops. I just found out that I can't attach an xls file. What good is an excel help site if you can't deal with xls files?
Not many regular posters here would download an attachment anyway. It sounds
like you may have leading/trailing blanks in your cells. That's the first
thing to check.
If they do not have, try copying a blank unused cell and selecting your
range and then Edit/Paste Special/Add.
This may do the job by converting your 'numbers' to numbers!
"aboba" <aboba.247q6a_1141589100.8214@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:aboba.247q6a_1141589100.8214@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I copied some numbers from a brokerage account(see attached) but I can't
> manipulate (subtract/add) them.
> Please Help
> Woops. I just found out that I can't attach an xls file. What good is
> an excel help site if you can't deal with xls files?
> aboba
> --
> aboba
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=32168
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