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SUMIF bug in Excel 2003

  1. #1

    SUMIF bug in Excel 2003

    If file "A" is linked to file "B" using SUMIF function, then if file A
    is sent to some one else who does not have file B. If file "A" is
    opened by clicking no for update links dialog, it will show "#Value#"
    in the cells linked to B. This problem is not there in Excel 97. We
    have lot of files using sumif function. We are thinking of migrating to
    Excel 2003. Is there any solution ?



  2. #2
    Harlan Grove

    Re: SUMIF bug in Excel 2003

    Diva wrote...
    >If file "A" is linked to file "B" using SUMIF function, then if file A
    >is sent to some one else who does not have file B. If file "A" is
    >opened by clicking no for update links dialog, it will show "#Value#"
    >in the cells linked to B. This problem is not there in Excel 97. We
    >have lot of files using sumif function. We are thinking of migrating to
    >Excel 2003. Is there any solution ?

    Not a bug in SUMIF. It's a bug in Excel 2003, specifically, its
    inability to leave formulas involving external references alone.
    Solution: revert to an earlier version of Excel and **FORCE** Microsoft
    to **PROVE** backward compatibility before buying another upgrade.

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: SUMIF bug in Excel 2003

    xl2002+ likes to recalculate any workbooks that were created in previous
    versions. In earlier versions of excel, if you answer No to the update links
    prompt, the existing values are kept. In xl2002+, you get those errors.

    Jim Rech posted a registry tweak:

    maybe it'll help you.

    Diva wrote:
    > If file "A" is linked to file "B" using SUMIF function, then if file A
    > is sent to some one else who does not have file B. If file "A" is
    > opened by clicking no for update links dialog, it will show "#Value#"
    > in the cells linked to B. This problem is not there in Excel 97. We
    > have lot of files using sumif function. We are thinking of migrating to
    > Excel 2003. Is there any solution ?
    > Thanks
    > Diva


    Dave Peterson

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