> now, is there a way to avoid this, or delete constraints?
Hi. One way is to just run the macro, and after each solve, then delete the
One can delete constraints in a loop, but I have found "Resetting"
everything to be an easier solution. On does this with SolverReset.
Here's an example..
For j = 1 To 20
SolverOk [A1], 1, [B1]
Next j
HTH. :>)
Dana DeLouis
Windows XP, Office 2003
<icestationzbra.23nlem_1140649801.0463@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:icestationzbra.23nlem_1140649801.0463@excelforum-nospam.com...
> hi,
> recently, i have been dabbling with recording webqueries and solver
> procedures.
> i have observed the following.
> webquery:
> when i record (macro) a webquery from a website, for example - yahoo
> finance, i can assign (or define) a range name or reference for that
> table (viz, currency). when i execute the webquery macro over and over
> again, every time it runs - it creates a new name viz, currency_1,
> currency_2, currency_3, and this goes on. i would have imagined it
> would overwrite the existing name or reference. thats what i intend it
> to do.
> is there a way around it? i have not been able to figure out, first,
> how to avoid this, and second, how to delete a reference name for which
> i know the first few letters will be 'currency' (in my case).
> solver:
> solver is defined with a set of constraints (without which there is no
> purpose of using a solver, duh). when i record a solver macro, and run
> it over and over again, probably on 7th or 8th turn the solver will
> refuse to solve it for you. here is what happens. it would have added
> the same constraint(s) as many number of times as you have run the
> solver macro. as a denoument, the solver will not be able to spit out a
> solution.
> now, is there a way to avoid this, or delete constraints? i know that
> we can record the process of deleting a constraint. if it were the
> first time you were running the macro, and there were no constraints,
> the program would err.
> i would appreciate any help that comes this way.
> thanks,
> mac.
> --
> icestationzbra
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