I have three projectors running different looping PPpresentations. The
input to these presentations are alle links to various Excel
spreadsheets. I have installed an add-in called UpdateLinks, that
automatically updates all the links everytime the presentaions has
completed a single loop. This is quite smart because the presentations
now automatically updates 24/7 in our production environment, whitout
any manual tasks.
Here I have a problem. When another user is editing one of the Excel
spreadsheets and the PPpresentation automatically tries to open the
same spreadsheet for the update sequence, the presentation computer
stops the presentation and displays a massage asking if if I want to
open the file af Read-Only. Here we manually have to click "Read-Only"
before the presentation again continues.
I have tried to share the workbooks, because then the message does not
appear, but then I am not able to edit fx. graphs in excel.
What do I do, fx to make the computer automatically select the
Read-Only option?
Other ideas eaer welcome, thanx.