The following formula counts the number of non blank cels in row e,
and totals the number of cels that are non blank on the summary page:
{=sumif((dress! a:a = a1)*(dress!e:e <>=),1))}

I also want to NOT add any cell that has a duplicate reference number
in column c.

dress sheet

a b c d e
dept color style name units
331 blk 1 12
331 blk 2 12
331 blk 2 12
332 blk 4 12
332 blk 5 12
332 blk 6 12
332 blk 6 12
332 blk 7 12

cel a1 on sheet 2(summary sheet) is 331, so the answer should be 2
Because style 2 in dept 331 is listed twice.

I assume I have to add to my existing formula?