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Format a column in a table based on the date

  1. #1
    PPM at Brackmills

    Format a column in a table based on the date

    I have a table with the top row formatted as the dates for the given days. I
    want a script or makro which looks for todays date, then highlights the
    respective column in the table either with a bold border or with color.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    You could do it without a macro using conditional formatting

    select whole table with A1 active cell, assuming top left cell of table is A1 (adjust accordingly if not) use

    Format > Conditional Formatting > formula is


    select desired formatting

  3. #3
    Kevin Vaughn

    RE: Format a column in a table based on the date

    Try conditional formatting with formula is =D$1=TODAY()
    Note: I haven't tested this other than just now, but it works today.
    Kevin Vaughn

    "PPM at Brackmills" wrote:

    > I have a table with the top row formatted as the dates for the given days. I
    > want a script or makro which looks for todays date, then highlights the
    > respective column in the table either with a bold border or with color.

  4. #4
    Kevin B

    RE: Format a column in a table based on the date

    The following macro uses row 1 of sheet1 as its starting point and assumes
    that there are no blank columns between the first and last data column. You
    can insert the code into a general module.
    Sub ColorMyDay()

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim dt As Date
    Dim i As Integer
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")


    Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

    dt = ActiveCell.Value

    Do Until dt = 0
    If dt = Date Then
    i = ActiveCell.Column
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    With Selection.Interior
    .ColorIndex = 37
    .Pattern = xlSolid
    End With
    dt = 0
    End If
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
    dt = ActiveCell.Value

    Cells(1, i).Select

    Set wb = Nothing
    Set ws = Nothing

    End Sub
    Kevin Backmann

    "PPM at Brackmills" wrote:

    > I have a table with the top row formatted as the dates for the given days. I
    > want a script or makro which looks for todays date, then highlights the
    > respective column in the table either with a bold border or with color.

  5. #5
    PPM at Brackmills

    RE: Format a column in a table based on the date


    Many thanks but being a newbie to VBA I can't get it to work. The sheet is
    called report, the range of the table is C4-I27, row 4 has the date. Am I
    asking too much for you to tailor your code for me. And then, and this is a
    bit embarassing, explain how I get this into the workbook and get it to run
    when the spreadsheet is opened.

    Hope you can help


    "Kevin B" wrote:

    > The following macro uses row 1 of sheet1 as its starting point and assumes
    > that there are no blank columns between the first and last data column. You
    > can insert the code into a general module.
    > ======================================================
    > Sub ColorMyDay()
    > Dim wb As Workbook
    > Dim ws As Worksheet
    > Dim dt As Date
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    > Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
    > ws.Activate
    > Range("A1").Select
    > Selection.CurrentRegion.Select
    > Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    > dt = ActiveCell.Value
    > Do Until dt = 0
    > If dt = Date Then
    > i = ActiveCell.Column
    > Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    > With Selection.Interior
    > .ColorIndex = 37
    > .Pattern = xlSolid
    > End With
    > dt = 0
    > End If
    > ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
    > dt = ActiveCell.Value
    > Loop
    > Cells(1, i).Select
    > Set wb = Nothing
    > Set ws = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > ======================================================
    > --
    > Kevin Backmann
    > "PPM at Brackmills" wrote:
    > > I have a table with the top row formatted as the dates for the given days. I
    > > want a script or makro which looks for todays date, then highlights the
    > > respective column in the table either with a bold border or with color.

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