Thank you for your reply. I am sorry that i was a bit unclear on this.
We are about 6 users. Its 1 workbook, 1 sheet in which we al update (cut and
paste and change celcontents) The workbook is open with all 6 of us at the
same time during the day for several hours. We all get feedback from other
coworkers seperately and have to change the sheet content and save it. It can
happen that a collegue of mine and i change the content at the same time and
maybe save it at the same time but that should be a coincidence.
"tdols" wrote:
> what is the documents file size?
> how many users? do these users have multiple entries in the Share
> Workbook > "Who has this workbook open" view (If so remove)
> How many days to keep change history? (tab Advanced)
> have you tried exporting each seperate sheet to a new workbook?
> etc. etc.
> --
> tdols
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