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External Links

  1. #1

    External Links


    I get this error when I open up the spreadsheet "unable to find external

    So when I go to edit--> links it shows the link. It does not indicate which
    cell in the worksheet is linked to the "broken" link. Does anyone know how
    to find the cell in the worksheet that has the broken link?


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: External Links

    When I can't find links, I'll use Bill Manville's FindLink program:

    Jeff wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I get this error when I open up the spreadsheet "unable to find external
    > links"
    > So when I go to edit--> links it shows the link. It does not indicate which
    > cell in the worksheet is linked to the "broken" link. Does anyone know how
    > to find the cell in the worksheet that has the broken link?
    > Thanks


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: External Links

    As far as I am aware in the error message box there are 2 buttons: Yes
    and No

    Yes means try to update the external links which means Excel comes up
    with a file open dialogue and you can see the file name it is looking
    for. You can then ctrl-f that file name in the entire worksheet.


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