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Find cell value in another .CSV file

  1. #1
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    Find cell value in another .CSV file

    Hello everyone,

    I've another challenge; two .CSV file one is named first.csv and the other second.csv. Column A of first.csv contains the account numbers and each account number is unique.

    Second.csv column A has again the account number but can be repeated as it is the record of the activity of the accounts. Each account number has four columns of other information.

    What I want to do is get the info on second.csv and add that 4 column of other info on the corresponding row of that particular account number in first.csv.

    Sample first.csv
    Acct_No Beg_Amt Name
    R12345 420.23 MyName
    R25122 100.00 YourName

    Sample second.csv
    Acct_No Trans_Amt Date Time
    R12345 -60.23 02/08/2006 0800
    R12345 +5.66 02/08/2006 0802

    I want to get the two rows in second.csv and add that each row after the "Name" column in the first.csv.

  2. #2

    Re: Find cell value in another .CSV file

    Of course you must first import both CSV files into Excel, say on separate
    sheets,,,,,and break them out so each value is in it's own column, like with
    Data > TextToColumns......then, I would use the VLOOKUP on the second file
    to add the Beg_Amt and Name to all the rows in the second sheet.......like
    in Sheet2 cell E2 put

    =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A:C,2,false) to bring in the Beg_Amt,

    and in Sheet2 cell F1 put

    =VLOOKUP(a2,Sheet1!A:C,3,false) to bring in the Name .

    Then copy both of these fomulas down as far as you have data in columns A:D,
    and then Copy > PasteSpecial > Values over both columns to get rid of the
    formulas........then re-arrange the columns as you wish.

    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "ledzepe" <ledzepe.22xi1z_1139432401.3114@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:ledzepe.22xi1z_1139432401.3114@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Hello everyone,
    > I've another challenge; two .CSV file one is named first.csv and the
    > other second.csv. Column A of first.csv contains the account numbers
    > and each account number is unique.
    > Second.csv column A has again the account number but can be repeated as
    > it is the record of the activity of the accounts. Each account number
    > has four columns of other information.
    > What I want to do is get the info on second.csv and add that 4 column
    > of other info on the corresponding row of that particular account
    > number in first.csv.
    > Sample first.csv
    > Acct_No Beg_Amt Name
    > R12345 420.23 MyName
    > R25122 100.00 YourName
    > Sample second.csv
    > Acct_No Trans_Amt Date Time
    > R12345 -60.23 02/08/2006 0800
    > R12345 +5.66 02/08/2006 0802
    > I want to get the two rows in second.csv and add that each row after
    > the "Name" column in the first.csv.
    > --
    > ledzepe
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ledzepe's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=510244

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