this is a sample of my data
15-01-06 xxxxx
15-01-06 xxxxx
15-01-06 xxxxx
20-01-06 xxxxx
20-01-06 xxxxx
20-01-06 xxxxx
27-01-06 xxxxx
27-01-06 xxxxx
i want to rank the dates so i can do some working outs from them , when i rank the dates its starts off at no1 for all the 15-01-06 and then goes to no4 for the 20-01-06 then no 7 for the 27-01-06 data ,
how can i rank them so it puts no1 for all 15-01 , then no2 for all 20-01 then no3 for 27-01 and so on
there will be about 150 entries with the same date every week and i want it to count the whole group of dates as 1 rank instead of it counting every date basically
or is there a better way , many thanks![]()