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Excel Genius Required!

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Excel Genius Required!

    hi there,

    this doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing but what i'm after is for excel to display the results of how many different combinations of 1s and 0s there are in 16 rows.

    as an example i have manually done 2 rows which gives four outcomes:


    i'm assuming 16 rows will give 256 outcomes but can i have them all somehow displayed in excel. it can be with anything, dots and crosses, x or y whatever, i just need all the possible combinations displayed.


    any help, suggestions or advice is much appreciated!

  2. #2

    RE: Excel Genius Required!

    The formula =MOD(ROW(),2)*10^3 + MOD(INT(ROW()/2),2)*10^2 +
    MOD(INT(ROW()/4),2)*10^1 + MOD(INT(ROW()/8),2)*10^0, entered in A1 and copied
    through row 16, will give all the 1/0 combinations for four binary digits (to
    see all four, select format / number / custom and enter 0000).
    To increase to 8 binary digits (256 results), extend the pattern above;
    make the exponents decrease from 7 down to 0, and the divisors go up from 2
    to 128. Copy that formula through row 256 and format as 00000000. 16 digits
    will take all 65536 rows that Excel allows.

    "nutsoup" wrote:

    > hi there,
    > this doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing but what i'm after is
    > for excel to display the results of how many different combinations of
    > 1s and 0s there are in 16 rows.
    > as an example i have manually done 2 rows which gives four outcomes:
    > [image: http://i1.tinypic.com/n5o5f8.jpg]
    > i'm assuming 16 rows will give 256 outcomes but can i have them all
    > somehow displayed in excel. it can be with anything, dots and crosses,
    > x or y whatever, i just need all the possible combinations displayed.
    > [image: http://i1.tinypic.com/n5o6ep.jpg]
    > any help, suggestions or advice is much appreciated!
    > --
    > nutsoup
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > nutsoup's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=31191
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=508599

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    thanks for replying to my message, though i'm not too sure i made myself entirely clear.

    see the 16 rows here http://i1.tinypic.com/n5o6ep.jpg

    the first set of 1s and 0s occupying columns A and B we shall call "Combination 1"

    so, in columns D and E in my example we could call "Combination 2" as it's different. i need every possible combination of 16 rows of 1s and 0s without two "Combinations" being the same. i'm assuming that there'd be a total of 256 combinations (16 x 16).

    if anyone can do this for me so i have all the possible combinations and email it to me at james_w_anderson@hotmail.com i will provide a small prize by paypal!
    Last edited by nutsoup; 02-04-2006 at 11:23 PM.

  4. #4
    I'm not a genius and I may be wrong but by my calculation you would have 65536 combinations (2^16). Strangely enought that is excatly the number of rows in an excel worksheet.


  5. #5

    Re: Excel Genius Required!

    Not sure that I fully got your point, but how about this:

    Row 1 contains the "tens" and column A contains the "ones" of a 2-digit
    decimal number that is just converted to binary thus showing all
    possible combinations of 0s and 1s.

    0 1 2 3 4 5
    0 00000000 00001010 00010100 00011110 00101000 00110010
    1 00000001 00001011 00010101 00011111 00101001 00110011
    2 00000010 00001100 00010110 00100000 00101010 00110100
    3 00000011 00001101 00010111 00100001 00101011 00110101
    4 00000100 00001110 00011000 00100010 00101100 00110110
    5 00000101 00001111 00011001 00100011 00101101 00110111
    6 00000110 00010000 00011010 00100100 00101110 00111000
    7 00000111 00010001 00011011 00100101 00101111 00111001
    8 00001000 00010010 00011100 00100110 00110000 00111010
    9 00001001 00010011 00011101 00100111 00110001 00111011

    The formula in B2 is: =DEC2BIN(VALUE(B$1&$A2);8)
    Copy right and down to fill the matrix.

    How did you manage to get the Excel example into your post? Would slve
    my formatting problems above.


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