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IIf and value-errors

  1. #1

    IIf and value-errors

    I have a column with numbers A (as text, I want to keep initial zeros):


    In another column B I want a letter that depends on the initial numbers
    in the A-column. If the initial number is 0 I want an "F" in B, if it is
    07 I want "M" in B and in all other cases I want an "U" in B:

    F 05...
    M 07...
    F 08...
    U 12...
    U 41...

    I created a formula for this purpose:


    The problem is that it only works for the M-cases. All other cases
    return a value-error. However, if I break out line 4 in the formula it
    works as expected. I am puzzled.

    Any ideas why it doesn't work and how I can fix it?

    This is in MacExcel but that shouldn't matter, should it?

    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  2. #2

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Not sure why your original formula doesn't work (not sure why you're using
    FIND) but this should do what you want.


    "david" <messages.from.usenetREMOVETHIS@gmail.com> wrote in message
    >I have a column with numbers A (as text, I want to keep initial zeros):
    > 05...
    > 07...
    > 08...
    > 12...
    > 41...
    > In another column B I want a letter that depends on the initial numbers
    > in the A-column. If the initial number is 0 I want an "F" in B, if it is
    > 07 I want "M" in B and in all other cases I want an "U" in B:
    > F 05...
    > M 07...
    > F 08...
    > U 12...
    > U 41...
    > I created a formula for this purpose:
    > =IF(
    > FIND("07";LEFT(B3;2);1);
    > "M";
    > IF(FIND("0";LEFT(B3;1);1);"F";"U"))
    > The problem is that it only works for the M-cases. All other cases
    > return a value-error. However, if I break out line 4 in the formula it
    > works as expected. I am puzzled.
    > Any ideas why it doesn't work and how I can fix it?
    > This is in MacExcel but that shouldn't matter, should it?
    > --
    > A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    > Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    > A: Top-posting.
    > Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  3. #3
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Hi David,
    You're puzzled? What about me?
    My Excel rejected the use of ; where there should have been ,
    I came up with the same formula as Ian, but with commas, not
    What's going on there?
    Using FIND didn't work because if the text is not found the #VALUE
    error is returned rather than FALSE and this stuffs up the whole
    Ian's formula works because it traps the 07's first so they're then not
    included in the testing for the 0's
    Ken Johnson

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    The list separator is defined by a windows setting--under regional settings.
    Most people in the USA use a comma for the list separator. Many in other parts
    of the world use a semicolon.

    And if you did want to use =find() or =search() (not a particularly good fit in
    this example), you could check to see if it actually found something:


    =find() is case sensitive
    =search() is not.

    Ken Johnson wrote:
    > Hi David,
    > You're puzzled? What about me?
    > My Excel rejected the use of ; where there should have been ,
    > I came up with the same formula as Ian, but with commas, not
    > semicolons.
    > What's going on there?
    > Using FIND didn't work because if the text is not found the #VALUE
    > error is returned rather than FALSE and this stuffs up the whole
    > formula.
    > Ian's formula works because it traps the 07's first so they're then not
    > included in the testing for the 0's
    > Ken Johnson


    Dave Peterson

  5. #5

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Ken Johnson <KenCJohnson@gmail.com> wrote:

    > You're puzzled? What about me?
    > My Excel rejected the use of ; where there should have been ,
    > I came up with the same formula as Ian, but with commas, not
    > semicolons.
    > What's going on there?

    I think the reason for the comma/semicolon issue is that I don't use US
    number format, but a European number format with comma as the decimal

    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  6. #6

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Ian <me@me.com> wrote:

    > Not sure why your original formula doesn't work (not sure why you're using
    > FIND) but this should do what you want.
    > =IF(LEFT(B3;2)="07";"M";IF(LEFT(B3;1)="0";"F";"U"))

    This one behaved very unpredictable. The firs few lines from my sheet,
    erroneous results are marked with an * with the correct letter in the
    next column:

    M 07...
    U 07... * M
    F 41... * U
    M 01... * F
    M 07...

    This didn't look to good;-) Any further suggestions?

    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  7. #7
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Thanks for that David.
    Ken Johnson

  8. #8
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Thanks Dave
    Ken Johnson

  9. #9
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Hi David,
    Can you guarantee that there are no leading spaces. If not then perhaps
    you should include the TRIM function as well...


    Ken Johnson

  10. #10
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Hi David,
    Or, is the formula addressing the correct row in column B?
    Ken Johnson

  11. #11

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Ken Johnson <KenCJohnson@gmail.com> wrote:

    > Can you guarantee that there are no leading spaces. If not then perhaps
    > you should include the TRIM function as well...

    At least searching for space in that column didn't return any hits.

    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  12. #12

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Dave Peterson <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote:

    > And if you did want to use =find() or =search() (not a particularly good
    > fit in this example), you could check to see if it actually found
    > something:
    > =if(isnumber(find("ken",a1)),"Yep","nope")
    > =find() is case sensitive
    > =search() is not.

    I used find because I thought I had too.

    Any other suggestions? Isn't it weird that the first two 07... returns
    different results?

    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  13. #13
    Dave Peterson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    I was responding more to Ken's followup.

    But I would have thought that Ian's formula would have been sufficient.

    Are you sure those 07's are really text--not numbers with a custom format (like

    david wrote:
    > Dave Peterson <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote:
    > > And if you did want to use =find() or =search() (not a particularly good
    > > fit in this example), you could check to see if it actually found
    > > something:
    > >
    > > =if(isnumber(find("ken",a1)),"Yep","nope")
    > >
    > > =find() is case sensitive
    > > =search() is not.

    > I used find because I thought I had too.
    > Any other suggestions? Isn't it weird that the first two 07... returns
    > different results?
    > --
    > A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    > Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    > A: Top-posting.
    > Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?


    Dave Peterson

  14. #14

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Looking at the results you have shown, I tend to agree with Ken Johnson's
    suggestion that you may be referencing the wrong row. The quoted formula
    referencing B3 should be in row 3. It looks like it may be in row 2,
    therefore referencing the row below itself (hence the first M is from the
    second 07, U from the 41, F from the 01, M from the 07 and I suspect the
    next entry below the ones quoted begins 07).

    "david" <messages.from.usenetREMOVETHIS@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Ian <me@me.com> wrote:
    >> Not sure why your original formula doesn't work (not sure why you're
    >> using
    >> FIND) but this should do what you want.
    >> =IF(LEFT(B3;2)="07";"M";IF(LEFT(B3;1)="0";"F";"U"))

    > This one behaved very unpredictable. The firs few lines from my sheet,
    > erroneous results are marked with an * with the correct letter in the
    > next column:
    > M 07...
    > U 07... * M
    > F 41... * U
    > M 01... * F
    > M 07...
    > This didn't look to good;-) Any further suggestions?
    > --
    > A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    > Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    > A: Top-posting.
    > Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  15. #15

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Ian <me@me.com> wrote:

    > Looking at the results you have shown, I tend to agree with Ken Johnson's
    > suggestion that you may be referencing the wrong row.

    It seems you are right. Don't know how it happened and how it slipped
    me. I checked for it several times without catching the problem.


    A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
    Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
    A: Top-posting.
    Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

  16. #16
    Ken Johnson

    Re: IIf and value-errors

    Hi david,
    That clears up that mystery.
    Thanks for letting us know.
    Ken Johnson

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