I am wondering if I can serach for a particular entry in Excel database and edit it in a separate window. Is this possible through VB code?
Please advise.
Thak you
I am wondering if I can serach for a particular entry in Excel database and edit it in a separate window. Is this possible through VB code?
Please advise.
Thak you
Have you tried DATA/FORM from the menu. It's a built-in data entry from with
search capability.
Kevin Backmann
"saziz" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering if I can serach for a particular entry in Excel database
> and edit it in a separate window. Is this possible through VB code?
> Please advise.
> Thak you
> Syed
> --
> saziz
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> saziz's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=6350
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=507869
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for helping me out. I checked Data Form option. It seems it does but now I need to know how I can put into the code the search criteria value taken from a user. I hope I am clear in explaining this. I need opertaor to input a value for Data Form -> Criteria -> atleast one value from the data base which I am expecting it to come from user.
Please let me know if you can.
Thank you
I don't know of a method that you can utilize with the built-in data form,
but a variant of the code below might work. The INPUTBOX function displays a
dialog box with the prompt you've entered and the user can fill it out.
After they click OK, it runs the line of code that performs a search for the
value that they've entered.
Sub FindMeIfYouCan()
Dim strFindWhat As String
strFindWhat = InputBox("What are you looking for?")
End Sub
Kevin Backmann
"saziz" wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Thank you for helping me out. I checked Data Form option. It seems it
> does but now I need to know how I can put into the code the search
> criteria value taken from a user. I hope I am clear in explaining
> this. I need opertaor to input a value for Data Form -> Criteria ->
> atleast one value from the data base which I am expecting it to come
> from user.
> Please let me know if you can.
> Thank you
> Syed
> --
> saziz
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> saziz's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=6350
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=507869
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