In C7:

=if(a7="","",vlookup(a7,'sheet 2'!$a$1:$b$21,2,false))

But is that sheet really named "Sheet 2" (with the space or "Sheet2" without the

And if there's nothing else on that sheet except the table, I'd use the whole

=if(a7="","",vlookup(a7,'sheet 2'!$a:$b,2,false))

badgrandntl wrote:
> I changed sheet 2 so now I hav A1-A21 named as FIVEGUTTER this is the
> information for the drop down list on Sheet 1 cell A7. I put the
> corresponding prices on sheet 2 , cells B1-B21 this is named as
> FIVEPRICE. Now that it is setup like this how do I use the Vlookup u
> posted earlier. Thanks Scott
> --
> badgrandntl
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Dave Peterson