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how do I add phone number format as a permanent custom format?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Unhappy how do I add phone number format as a permanent custom format?

    Every Excel spreadsheet I receive includes column(s) somewhere of phone numbers. Rather than have to recreate in EACH file a new custom format I dream of being able to PERMANENTLY add two telephone number formats so that I can EASILY apply the following formats: ###-###-#### and ###-###-#### ###. Is there any way on EARTH that I can PERMANENTLY add these formats to MS's available formats?

    Remember: I DO NOT CREATE new Excel spreadsheets, I only receive them, so templates would be useless.


  2. #2

    Re: how do I add phone number format as a permanent custom format?


    Open a new workbook

    Goto Format>Cells>Custom

    Enter the 2 phone number formats

    Select cell A1
    Goto Edit>Clear>All

    Goto File>Save As
    File name: Book
    Save as Type: Template (*.xlt)
    Save the file to your XLSTART folder

    Close Excel
    Restart Excel and you'll have your custom formats available


    <frustratedagain.22hcsy_1138679100.5719@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:frustratedagain.22hcsy_1138679100.5719@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Every Excel spreadsheet I receive includes column(s) somewhere of phone
    > numbers. Rather than have to recreate in EACH file a new custom format
    > I dream of being able to PERMANENTLY add two telephone
    > number formats so that I can EASILY apply the following formats:
    > ###-###-#### and ###-###-#### ###. Is there any way on EARTH that I
    > can PERMANENTLY add these formats to MS's available formats?
    > Remember: I DO NOT CREATE new Excel spreadsheets, I only receive them,
    > so templates would be useless.
    > frustrated...
    > --
    > frustratedagain
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > frustratedagain's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30997
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=506639

  3. #3
    Jim Cone

    Re: how do I add phone number format as a permanent custom format?


    If you know how to add a custom macro button to a toolbar and
    can find the Personal.xls file then paste this code into the Personal.xls file
    and attach it to the custom Toolbar button.
    Then select the cells you want to format and click the new button.
    Sub JustWhatIWanted()
    'Jim Cone - San Francisco, USA - January 2006
    'Adds a telephone number format to all cells in the selection'
    Dim rngSelection As Excel.Range
    Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
    'Make sure the following line does not wrap (is a single line).
    Const strFormat As String = "[<=9999999]###-####;[<=9999999999]###-###-####;###-###-###-####"

    If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
    MsgBox "Select some cells on the worksheet. ", vbInformation, "Special Number Format"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Set rngSelection = Excel.Selection
    For Each rngCell In rngSelection
    rngCell.NumberFormat = strFormat
    Next 'rngCell
    End Sub

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    "frustratedagain" wrote in message...
    Every Excel spreadsheet I receive includes column(s) somewhere of phone
    numbers. Rather than have to recreate in EACH file a new custom format
    I dream of being able to PERMANENTLY add two telephone
    number formats so that I can EASILY apply the following formats:
    ###-###-#### and ###-###-#### ###. Is there any way on EARTH that I
    can PERMANENTLY add these formats to MS's available formats?

    Remember: I DO NOT CREATE new Excel spreadsheets, I only receive them,
    so templates would be useless.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Unhappy IF only.....


    That's a big IF...

    you wrote: "If you know how to add a custom macro button to a toolbar and
    can find the Personal.xls file then paste this code into the Personal.xls file
    and attach it to the custom Toolbar button.
    Then select the cells you want to format and click the new button."

    Where can I go to learn that?


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