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Pivot Table- how do I eliminate duplicates in count of name

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  1. #1

    Pivot Table- how do I eliminate duplicates in count of name

    I have built a pivot table from a table containing a list of people.
    My pivot table will count people based on the field Name.
    Some people names might have several entries in the table but in this case,
    I want the name to be counted a 1.
    What is the appropriate set up for this ?
    Thankk you for your help.

  2. #2
    Jonathan Cooper

    RE: Pivot Table- how do I eliminate duplicates in count of name

    Insert a helper column into your table, so that it is part of your pivot

    This formula may be confusing but I'll try to explain. Assuming your names
    are in column A, starting with row 2.

    A1 is blank

    Put this formula into B2. =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,A2)>1,0,1)
    and they copy/paste it down.

    As you paste it down, the range grows. In cell A3 for example, it counts
    how many times it finds 'George' in the list from $A$2:$A3. The answer is 1.
    Then the IF kicks in. Since there was only one 'George', which is not >1,
    it evaluates to a 1. Then in B3, the countif will result in a 2, which IS
    greater than 1, so the answer is zero.

    Still confusing, but it will work. Then do a SUM of this column in your
    pivot table.

    "Isabelga" wrote:

    > I have built a pivot table from a table containing a list of people.
    > My pivot table will count people based on the field Name.
    > Some people names might have several entries in the table but in this case,
    > I want the name to be counted a 1.
    > What is the appropriate set up for this ?
    > Thankk you for your help.

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