You have two columns in sheet2 -- the key and the new info?

If yes, then I'd insert a new column in Sheet1.

With the key in column A and the old info in column B and this in my new column


If the keys match, use the info from sheet2, else use the info from column B.

Then copy column C (Edit|Copy)
select column B and edit|paste special|values

and remove that new column C

wnfisba wrote:
> I have an aggregate spreadsheet, we'll call it Sheet 1. And then a sub-set
> spreadsheet, we'll call it Sheet 2. Sheet 1 has ALL 14,900 rows. Sheet 2
> contains 5,163 rows. The sub-set sheet, Sheet 2, contains information that
> needs to be overwritten in Sheet 1. The Sheet 2 sub-set has more recent
> information.
> Can anyone help me with a LOOKUP and REPLACE formula that will look for the
> key in Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 and replace the contents, just a couple of cells,
> in the appropriate cells in Sheet 1???
> Thanks in advance.
> wnfisba


Dave Peterson