
This is what my worksheet looks like:

Column A (names of people):
Eriksson, Anna
Eriksson, Anna
Eriksson, Anna
Eriksson, Anna
Eriksson, Anna
Persson, Palle
Persson, Palle
Persson, Palle
Persson, Palle
Persson, Palle
and so forth...

Column B (dates):
and so forth...

I want to know if there=B4s a formula (of course there is! where I
can search for a value (date) in column B that is older then let say
2005-08-01 and find out how many dates are older than 2005-08-01 for
i=2Ee Persson, Palle.

I hope I=B4ve made myself clear.

Ps. The date, i.e. 2005-08-01, is how me write it in Sweden.