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Calc error

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  1. #1
    Michel Finschi

    Calc error

    Got a tricky error in my Excel (2004 for Mac, Version 11.2 (050714)

    The difference between the two figures:

    a1 6833.40
    a2 6828.66

    Important note: both figures were manually entered exactly as above, no
    further (hidden) digits.

    Is correctly calculated by Excel as 4.74 in cell a3. So far, so good.

    However, when increasing the number of digits for a3 to the max of 30, then
    Excel returns the result:


    Why is this?

    Thanks, Michel

  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: Calc error

    Hi Michel,



    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "Michel Finschi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:BFE57830.BEB%[email protected]...
    > Got a tricky error in my Excel (2004 for Mac, Version 11.2 (050714)
    > The difference between the two figures:
    > a1 6833.40
    > a2 6828.66
    > Important note: both figures were manually entered exactly as above, no
    > further (hidden) digits.
    > Is correctly calculated by Excel as 4.74 in cell a3. So far, so good.
    > However, when increasing the number of digits for a3 to the max of 30,
    > then
    > Excel returns the result:
    > 4.739999999999780000000000000000,
    > Why is this?
    > Thanks, Michel

  3. #3
    Michel Finschi

    Re: Calc error

    Excellent, thanks Niek.

    in Beitrag [email protected] schrieb Niek Otten unter
    [email protected] am 7.1.2006 14:08 Uhr:

    > Hi Michel,
    > See
    > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/78113

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