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Retrieving a Value from List that meets multiple Criteria

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mamalik Retrieving a Value from List... 01-02-2006, 01:08 AM
Guest Re: Retrieving a Value from... 01-02-2006, 02:00 AM
mamalik Hi Biff Thanks a lot. The... 01-02-2006, 04:44 AM
Guest Re: Retrieving a Value from... 01-02-2006, 10:30 AM
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    Retrieving a Value from List that meets multiple Criteria


    I need to retrieve a value (or item) from a list that meets multiple criteria in another list. I could not figure this out. Consider the following table (also attached as Table1.gif).

    Table1 (Base Table from where values are to be extracted)

    Account Description CostCentre Amount
    1001 Account 1 Cost 1 1,000
    1001 Account 1 Cost 2 1.500
    1002 Account 2 Cost 1 2,500
    1002 Account 2 Cost 2 3,000
    1003 Account 3 Cost 1 4,200
    1003 Account 3 Cost 2 3,500

    In another table which contains the account and cost centre columns, I want to get the amount for example for Account 1002 / Cost 2 (i.e. 3,000). Is there any formula which looks up the base table and automatically extracts the required value? Please note that in this example two criteria are required to be matched i.e. Account and CostCentre. I tried to use ‘vlookup’ formula with ‘and’ function but could not get the results.
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