Select that range (whole column?)
check Constants
and uncheck Text, Logicals, Errors (leave Numbers checked)
click ok
Type X and hit ctrl enter.
rncolon wrote:
> I have a problem and after searching for an answer for at least 3 hours
> I am stumped.
> I have a spreadsheet formatted as follows:
> Row B2 --> DT2 is the name of Regions.
> ColumnA3 down to A50 are products.
> In the cells to the left os A3.. and beneath each Region there are
> numbers ranging from
> 1--> 70000(sample). I need to replace all cells which have a value and
> are not empty with an 'X'. I then have a SQL script to extract that
> data in to a db.
> I have found many macros, scripts for converting to monetary values to
> text in just about any language, various vlookup and other conversion
> scripts but can not figure out how to do the above.. I would really
> appreciate any assistance!!!!
> TIA!!
> Raymond
Dave Peterson