Hi all - I manage a major account with many locations. I created a SS to
list each location and the sales person handling it. Some locations have
lots of sales activities others may have nothing. I linked the SS to
another SS that maintains a list of the contacts for each location. That
is, click on a location and another sheet comes up with the contacts for
that location listed. I did the same with notes using a word document.

So with this growing database I want to simply know what is happing with the
entire major account at any one time. I will be asked by my boss to give
feeback on this and I want to act like I am on top of things i.e. Johnny on
the spot. Other than using color codes or sorting showing hot vs. cold
activities what can I do to summerize the hot activities at a glance?

Also, is there a way to import say a map of the US and create links on the
map to each location of the major company? Is Excel the right choice here?

Any ideas or tips would be greatly appriciated -
