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Comparing two tables

  1. #1
    Peter Steiner

    Comparing two tables

    hey just a short question :-D
    I have two tables, one with a list with 1330 entries and one with 720
    entries, the 720 are all in the big list as well, is there a way to write
    the 610 entries from the big list that arent in the small list into another
    excel table without doing it one by one ?
    thanks in advance

  2. #2

    RE: Comparing two tables


    try to use the "VLOOKUP" function...it will help you to identify with values
    are in both tables (sheets)... so you can mark the values that are in both
    tables and separete then easily...

    i don´t know if you know the VLOOKUP function...if you don´t...check it out
    at EXCEL help ...there have a good material about this!

    i hope this help you!


    "Peter Steiner" wrote:

    > hey just a short question :-D
    > I have two tables, one with a list with 1330 entries and one with 720
    > entries, the 720 are all in the big list as well, is there a way to write
    > the 610 entries from the big list that arent in the small list into another
    > excel table without doing it one by one ?
    > thanks in advance
    > Peter

  3. #3
    Herbert Seidenberg

    Re: Comparing two tables

    See posts at excel.worksheet.functions, Dec 21

  4. #4
    Peter Steiner

    Re: Comparing two tables

    i checked the vlookup function, but it didnt really help OR i just didnt
    understand it ...
    from what i found online i couldnt make, it seems like it only checkes for a
    value in one
    sheet and grabs the corresponding value from a second one ... but that kinda
    work out, because the lines arent identical

    maybe i didnt describe it right, let me "paint" it

    sheet one: sheet two:

    1 1
    2 2
    3 4
    4 6

    the function i need would return

    sheet three:


    "PedroPastre" <PedroPastre@discussions.microsoft.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > PEter,
    > try to use the "VLOOKUP" function...it will help you to identify with
    > values
    > are in both tables (sheets)... so you can mark the values that are in both
    > tables and separete then easily...
    > i don´t know if you know the VLOOKUP function...if you don´t...check it
    > out
    > at EXCEL help ...there have a good material about this!
    > i hope this help you!
    > Pedro
    > "Peter Steiner" wrote:
    >> hey just a short question :-D
    >> I have two tables, one with a list with 1330 entries and one with 720
    >> entries, the 720 are all in the big list as well, is there a way to write
    >> the 610 entries from the big list that arent in the small list into
    >> another
    >> excel table without doing it one by one ?
    >> thanks in advance
    >> Peter

  5. #5

    Re: Comparing two tables

    I would add the second list to the bottom of the first and then use Jim
    Cone's commercial Add-in called XL Companion to extract the unique
    values........ It's available at


    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "Peter Steiner" <e0125501@student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote in message
    > hey just a short question :-D
    > I have two tables, one with a list with 1330 entries and one with 720
    > entries, the 720 are all in the big list as well, is there a way to write
    > the 610 entries from the big list that arent in the small list into

    > excel table without doing it one by one ?
    > thanks in advance
    > Peter

  6. #6
    Herbert Seidenberg

    Re: Comparing two tables

    Please review the link http://tinyurl.com/9gflw
    Sloth highlights the numbers 3 and 5
    with conditional formatting and then he erases them.
    Since you want to save those numbers, just do the opposite.
    Instead of
    =COUNTIF(Range,Criteria)=0 use
    Two alternate ways are listed using Advanced Filter and array formulas.
    Modify them in a similar way.

  7. #7
    Peter Steiner

    Re: Comparing two tables

    thank you soooo much, i checked the link but it somehow didnt do what i
    wanted, now i found what was
    wrong, first i had the exchange the order of the two lists and second was
    the > instead of =
    thank you very much

    "Herbert Seidenberg" <herbds7-msxls@yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > Please review the link http://tinyurl.com/9gflw
    > Sloth highlights the numbers 3 and 5
    > with conditional formatting and then he erases them.
    > Since you want to save those numbers, just do the opposite.
    > Instead of
    > =COUNTIF(Range,Criteria)=0 use
    > =COUNTIF(Range,Criteria)>0
    > Two alternate ways are listed using Advanced Filter and array formulas.
    > Modify them in a similar way.

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