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Solver vs. Exponential Trendline

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  1. #1
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    Solver vs. Exponential Trendline

    Can anyone (briefly) compare and contrast these two Excel features? We have a set of data from a study for which we are trying to plot a decay curve with an accompanying half-life calculation. One option is to create a plot of the data with an exponential trendline (Y=b*exp^cx). Another is to use the Solve add-in, utilizing the same equation, and minimize the sum of the squared deviations by manipulating the regression coefficients (b and c). Both methods seem to yield a curve that gives a reasonable approximation of the observed data, but with slightly different rate coefficients, which will of course yield slightly different half-lives. Any thoughts on which approach is more appropriate? Thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: Solver vs. Exponential Trendline

    In this case, you should probably choose your curve based on which one most
    closely calculates the half-life of a substance having a known (published)
    half-life similar to the half-lives that you found experimentally.
    Anne Murray

    "jcoleman52" wrote:

    > Can anyone (briefly) compare and contrast these two Excel features? We
    > have a set of data from a study for which we are trying to plot a decay
    > curve with an accompanying half-life calculation. One option is to
    > create a plot of the data with an exponential trendline (Y=b*exp^cx).
    > Another is to use the Solve add-in, utilizing the same equation, and
    > minimize the sum of the squared deviations by manipulating the
    > regression coefficients (b and c). Both methods seem to yield a curve
    > that gives a reasonable approximation of the observed data, but with
    > slightly different rate coefficients, which will of course yield
    > slightly different half-lives. Any thoughts on which approach is more
    > appropriate? Thanks.
    > --
    > jcoleman52
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > jcoleman52's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29498
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495288

  3. #3
    B. R.Ramachandran

    RE: Solver vs. Exponential Trendline


    The Solver result is technically 'more' correct. Because, I guess, you
    would have used the exponential equation [y = b*exp(c*x)] with some guess
    values of b and c (c should have been negative) to calculate y values,
    calculated the SSR [sum of y(experimental) - y (calculated)], and minimized
    the SSR by optimizing b and c. This approach uses the raw data 'as is' and,
    therefore, the result is more trustworthy.

    The exponential trendline, on the other hand, first linearizes the data, ln
    y = ln b + c*x, does a LINEAR regression, calculates the slope (c) and
    y-intercept (ln b) for the best linear fit, and SHOWS the trendline equation
    in the exponential form (which is y = exp(y-intercept) exp(c*x). It does
    this by minimizing the SSR of (not the original y data) for the
    'transformed', (i.e., ln y) data.

    If the experimental data are absolutely free of errors (uncertainties)
    [which is never the case], the two results WILL be identical (the minimized
    SSR will be zero in both cases). Real-life data, however, contain
    uncertainties, and the linear transformation of the data DOES NOT transform
    the errors appropriately [UNLESS YOU DO A WEIGHTED REGRESSION].

    To verify this, calculate the natural logarithm of y, and fit the ln(y),x
    data to the linear equation, ln y = ln b +c*x, using Solver. You would
    notice that the b and c values you obtain would pretty much correspond to the
    results from the exponential trendline fit.

    B. R. Ramachandran

    "jcoleman52" wrote:

    > Can anyone (briefly) compare and contrast these two Excel features? We
    > have a set of data from a study for which we are trying to plot a decay
    > curve with an accompanying half-life calculation. One option is to
    > create a plot of the data with an exponential trendline (Y=b*exp^cx).
    > Another is to use the Solve add-in, utilizing the same equation, and
    > minimize the sum of the squared deviations by manipulating the
    > regression coefficients (b and c). Both methods seem to yield a curve
    > that gives a reasonable approximation of the observed data, but with
    > slightly different rate coefficients, which will of course yield
    > slightly different half-lives. Any thoughts on which approach is more
    > appropriate? Thanks.
    > --
    > jcoleman52
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > jcoleman52's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29498
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495288

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