I am looking for a macro or suggestion to be able to update sheets in a
workbook from the master sheet. All sheets use column A for the id number.
Anyway to use a macro?
Thanks JR
I am looking for a macro or suggestion to be able to update sheets in a
workbook from the master sheet. All sheets use column A for the id number.
Anyway to use a macro?
Thanks JR
Adapting from a recent post by Bob Phillips
here's one play to automate it using array formulas ..
Sample construct at:
Assume the master list is in sheet: Master
in cols A to D, headers in row1, data from row2 down
(Key ID is in col A, the tech #)
603 162395-7 CP 6844 N DE CHELLY
607 164655-11 CP 10700 N LA RESERVE LOOP # 2106
603 267454-1 CP 7270 S SAND DUNE DR D
609 131976-3 CP 5702 N CAM LAGUNA VLY
Click Insert > Name > Define
Put under "Names in workbook:": WSN
Put in the "Refers to:" box:
Click OK
(The above defines WSN as a name we can use to refer to the sheetname in
formulas. It will auto-extract the sheetname implicitly. Technique came from
a post by Harlan Grove.)
In a new sheet named: 603
Paste the col headers over into A1:D1
Put in A2, array-enter the formula (press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):
Copy A2 across to D2, fill down to say D20
(fill down just enough to cover the max expected extent of data per tech)
Cols A to D will return only the lines for tech: 603 from "Master",
with all lines neatly bunched at the top
For a clean look, suppress the display of extraneous zeros in the sheet via:
Click Tools > Options > View tab > Uncheck "Zero values" > OK
Now, just make a copy of the sheet: 603, rename it as say: 607
and we'd get the results for tech: 607.
Repeat the copy > rename sheet process
to get the rest of the tech sheets as required (a one-time job)
xl 97
Singapore, GMT+8
"JR" <gaspower@aol.com> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am looking for a macro or suggestion to be able to update sheets in a
> workbook from the master sheet. All sheets use column A for the id number.
> Anyway to use a macro?
> Thanks JR
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