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Using VLOOKUP and text

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  1. #1
    Tara C.

    Using VLOOKUP and text

    I am using a Vlookup function to find dollar values, dates, and names of
    vendors made within a department.
    The dollar values are appearing correctly, but the dates appears as
    "01/00/00" when the field is empty and all the text strings appear as "0"
    even though there is a name in the source sheet.
    I have changed the formatting of each cell to be correct to the appropriate
    format (accountancy, date, text) and even tried 'general' to fix this text
    problem to no avail.

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Using VLOOKUP and text

    If A1 is empty, and you put this in B1: =a1
    You'll see it returns a 0.

    Same thing happens with your =vlookup()--but 0 formatted as a date is
    January 0th, 1900 (or 01/00/00 in your format).

    So you can modify the =vlookup() to check to see if the "sending" cell is empty:


    Tara C. wrote:
    > I am using a Vlookup function to find dollar values, dates, and names of
    > vendors made within a department.
    > The dollar values are appearing correctly, but the dates appears as
    > "01/00/00" when the field is empty and all the text strings appear as "0"
    > even though there is a name in the source sheet.
    > I have changed the formatting of each cell to be correct to the appropriate
    > format (accountancy, date, text) and even tried 'general' to fix this text
    > problem to no avail.
    > HELP!!


    Dave Peterson

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