Dear All,

I have a problem in making formulas and really need your help.
Pls see the attached file and see the explanantion below.

I'll explain to you by example:
For Column E:
E2 = 54,712.30 bcos Total Produced (D512) < Target
E3 = 10,240.00 bcos Total Produced (D513) > Target then this cell is
filled by its Target since Produced can't be exceed its target

E7 = 14,329.10
-> Target (D513) compare with "Total Produced (D513) - SUM of
Produced Previously (D513)"
-> since Target (D513) > left over stock then
Produced (D513) = 24,569.10 - 10,240.00
E8 = 17,312.10 bcos Total Produced (D518) < Target
E9 = 19,146.67
-> Target (D522) compare with "Total Produced (D522) - SUM of
Produced Previously (D522)"
-> since Target (D522) < left over stock then
19,146.67 < (58,690.10 - 29,538.46 ) then
Produced (D522) = 19,146.67
E13 = Since there is no left over stock for this component then this
cell is filled by 0

How to make the formula for column E with the above logic?


Robert Lie