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Automate a graph/chart?

  1. #1

    Automate a graph/chart?

    I am putting together a daily list of the change in prices of stocks, and
    what I want to do is make a graph on another worksheet that will update
    whenever enter a new date and amount is entered. Is this possible? If

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Andy Pope

    Re: Automate a graph/chart?


    You need to use named ranges in order for the chart to update automatically.
    See Jon Peltier's article on dynamic charting.


    pugsly8422 wrote:
    > I am putting together a daily list of the change in prices of stocks, and
    > what I want to do is make a graph on another worksheet that will update
    > whenever enter a new date and amount is entered. Is this possible? If
    > so...how?
    > Thanks in advance


    Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel

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