"Macmo" <Macmo@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
>I am working across 20 or so sheets in a workbook and would like to be able
>to type a meeting for "Mike 7pm" or "Sam 6pm" in "Bob's" sheet and have it
>enter into "Mikes" or "Sams" respective sheet at the correct time. Also
>needed is a conflict warning if that time is already filled with another

First, this isn't the ideal newsgroup for Excel-specific questions. Better
to use either the General or Miscellaneous Excel newsgroups. I've
crossposted this response to the General one.

While this could be done in Excel, it'd be so complicated and fragile that
you'd be wasting way too much time maintaining it that getting real word

Excel is *NOT* a groupware program. Excel is *NOT* a scheduling program.

In order to make something like this work, every worksheet needs to have an
identical layout. NO EXCEPTIONS. And it'd require event handler macros,
specifically, SheetChange event handlers, which you'd trigger upon every
entry. Those macros would parse your entry into names and times. If an entry
could involve several individuals, then the names entry would need to be
parsed into separate entries, one for each individual. Those entries would
need to match worksheet names for those individuals *EXACTLY*.

If this is for a business unit in a company already using Microsoft Outlook
and Exchange or Lotus Notes, you already have groupware which includes all
the group calendaring/scheduling functionality you're likely to need. It'd
be lots easier and lots more reliable to use those than to try reinventing
this particular wheel in Excel.