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Strange Calculation Error in Excel

  1. #1
    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

    Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    I have a table of numbers, and I do some simple Math based on this data.
    4.1 4.1 3.97 4.03
    4.15 4.15 4.1 4.1

    For the formula "=A4-B4", the answer given is
    It should be just -0.07.

    Then I checked the value for A4 & B4, the values are:

    What's wrong with Excel?
    How can I correct this error?
    PS: If anyone wishes to see the original Excel file, please leave your email
    address here. Thanks!

    Additional information:
    - I'm using Office XP
    - I'm using Windows XP

    本人的能力非常有**. 如有不當之處, 望識者不吝賜正!!
    My ability is very limited. Hope you will not mind to enlighten me if I do

  2. #2
    Fred Smith

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    You can't correct the error. It's how computers have worked since day one. It
    happens because computers convert from decimal to binary, and not all
    conversions are perfect.

    To avoid to problem, use the Round function, as in



    "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" <x@x.com> wrote in message
    > Hi.
    > I have a table of numbers, and I do some simple Math based on this data.
    > Eg:
    > 4.1 4.1 3.97 4.03
    > 4.15 4.15 4.1 4.1
    > For the formula "=A4-B4", the answer given is
    > "-0.069999999999999400000000000000"
    > It should be just -0.07.
    > Then I checked the value for A4 & B4, the values are:
    > 4.030000000000000000000000000000
    > 4.100000000000000000000000000000
    > What's wrong with Excel?
    > How can I correct this error?
    > PS: If anyone wishes to see the original Excel file, please leave your email
    > address here. Thanks!
    > --
    > Additional information:
    > - I'm using Office XP
    > - I'm using Windows XP
    > 本人的能力非常有**. 如有不當之處, 望識者不吝賜正!!
    > My ability is very limited. Hope you will not mind to enlighten me if I do
    > wrongly.

  3. #3
    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    "Fred Smith" <fredsmith99@yahoo.com> 在郵件
    news:OxJl%23i59FHA.912@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl 中撰寫...
    > You can't correct the error. It's how computers have worked since day one. It
    > happens because computers convert from decimal to binary, and not all
    > conversions are perfect.
    > To avoid to problem, use the Round function, as in
    > =Round(a4-b4,2)

    Thanks for your reply.
    But the solution is not practical since I need to do so for everything I
    calculate in Excel.

    Take the above example again:
    C4: =A4-B4
    D4: =countif(C4, -0.07)

    The answer is 0. Too bad! It should be 1.
    Your answer did eliminate the problem, but I have many different formulas which
    are baffled by this strange calculation error.
    It is tons of rewriting. Oh no!!

    Is there any practical solution I would take to workaround this "calcualtion

  4. #4

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" wrote:
    > "Fred Smith" <fredsmith99@yahoo.com>:
    > > To avoid to problem, use the Round function, as in
    > > =Round(a4-b4,2)

    > Thanks for your reply. But the solution is not practical
    > since I need to do so for everything I calculate in Excel.
    > [....]
    > I have many different formulas which are baffled by this
    > strange calculation error. It is tons of rewriting. Oh no!!

    Try setting Tools > Options > Calculation > Precision As

    Of course, then you might need to adjust the format of
    some cells to be sure that they display the needed precision.
    This includes "helper" cells, which you might have hidden.

    Caveat emptor.

  5. #5
    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    "joeu2004@hotmail.com" <joeu2004hotmailcom@discussions.microsoft.com> 在郵件
    news:5F6C778F-2FC4-490C-A4AC-81F65A1F4687@microsoft.com 中撰寫...
    > "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" wrote:
    > > "Fred Smith" <fredsmith99@yahoo.com>:
    > > > To avoid to problem, use the Round function, as in
    > > > =Round(a4-b4,2)

    > >
    > > Thanks for your reply. But the solution is not practical
    > > since I need to do so for everything I calculate in Excel.
    > > [....]
    > > I have many different formulas which are baffled by this
    > > strange calculation error. It is tons of rewriting. Oh no!!

    > Try setting Tools > Options > Calculation > Precision As
    > Displayed.
    > Of course, then you might need to adjust the format of
    > some cells to be sure that they display the needed precision.
    > This includes "helper" cells, which you might have hidden.
    > Caveat emptor.

    Is it possible to set something like it is displayed up to 2 decimal places, but
    the precision holds up to 10 decimal places or so?

    I don't wish to show all figures up to 10 decminal places. It is just too
    And since this setting is global, it is still not preferable.

  6. #6

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    Hi Wai Wai,

    You might want to try my Excel add-in, xlPrecision 2.0. It avoids these
    errors by never converting to binary.

    You can download the free edition of xlPrecision 2.0 from here and use
    it as long as you wish:


    Good Luck,

    Greg Lovern
    Eliminate Hidden Spreadsheet Errors

  7. #7

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    > You might want to try my Excel add-in, xlPrecision 2.0.
    > It avoids these errors by never converting to binary.
    > [....]
    > Greg Lovern
    > http://PrecisionCalc.com
    > Eliminate Hidden Spreadsheet Errors

    Fascinating! I would imagine it slows computation
    tremendously. Do you have any performance comparisons?

    Would be better if Excel itself implemented BCD, at least
    as an option. With nano-to-picosec instruction times, it is
    probably a reasonable trade-off. I hope Bill is listening :-).

  8. #8

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    Hi Joe,

    > I would imagine it slows computation tremendously. Do you have any performance comparisons? <

    I haven't benchmarked it against rounding in Excel, but obviously it's
    slower than Excel. xlPrecision's main purpose is high precision (i.e.,
    more than 15 significant digits), and one reasonably expects to
    sacrifice performance for that. Avoiding binary conversion errors is a
    happy side effect.

    I heard praise, and no complaints, for version 1.0's performance (for
    high precision), and 2.0 is faster. And the next version will be faster


    Greg Lovern
    Eliminate Hidden Spreadsheet Errors

  9. #9
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^ wrote:

    > It doesn't really matter how the number is displayed after, say, 15 decimal
    > points.
    > But what I want is it can still be calculated without being affected by this
    > minor mistake.

    Calling it a "mistake" suggests that you still do not understand. It is
    an inevitable consequence of finite precision mathematics. Suppose you
    were doing decimal math with 4-figure precision. Then (4+1/3)-(4+2/3)
    would be
    4.333-4.667 = -0.334
    There is no mistake, but the result is numerically different from the
    representation of 1/3 = 0.3333 in this system.

    You are presumably aware that numbers like 1/3, 1/7, 1/11, etc. cannot
    be exactly represented in decimal, and so you are not surprised when
    numbers like these have to be approximated. The only additional
    surprise here is that numbers like 1/5 are also non-terminating binary
    fractions, with the result that most finite decimal fractions (including
    ..03, .07, .1, .15, and .97) can only be approximated. When you do math
    with approximate inputs, you should not be surprised when the result is
    also an approximation. It is not an "error", "mistake", "imperfect
    conversion", etc. it is just the nature of the beast.

    Converting to BCD as joeu2004 suggested would not eliminate the problem,
    as my decimal example illustrated. It would just confine the problem
    (finite precision approximation to numbers that can only be exactly
    represented in infinite precision) to numbers where we more readily
    recognize what has happened. BCD is rarely done in computers, because
    it is relatively wasteful and slow, which seems a steep price to pay for
    a "solution" that doesn't fully solve the problem.

    Extended precision packages like xlPrecision also do not solve the
    problem, they just push it farther out (though they do have their uses).
    The only way to completely solve the problem is to do symbolic math

    But the performance penalty from that option would be totally
    unacceptable for large spreadsheets.

    > Just like the countif function. It can't calculate well due to the small
    > difference of 0.00....005
    > Any workaround is appreciated.

    If you are unwilling to standardize the approximations (using ROUND() on
    the calculations or setting the Precision as Displayed option), then you
    need to do comparisons that are robust to approximations. Examples
    would include IF(ROUND(C4,2)=0.07,... or IF(ABS(C4-0.07)<0.005,...
    For summarizing a range, this would generally require array formulas.


  10. #10
    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    "Jerry W. Lewis" <post_a_reply@no_e-mail.com> ???
    news:4391A08A.4030909@no_e-mail.com ???...
    > 0-0 Wai Wai ^-^ wrote:
    > > It doesn't really matter how the number is displayed after, say, 15 decimal
    > > points.
    > > But what I want is it can still be calculated without being affected by this
    > > minor mistake.

    > Calling it a "mistake" suggests that you still do not understand. It is
    > an inevitable consequence of finite precision mathematics.

    Thanks for your explanation.
    I did know a bit after the first reply.
    At that time, I searched for information about this problem.

    Just a thought to me. Since it is an inevitable consequence is notihng to do to
    say whether it is not a mistake. Humans always make mistakes. It is an
    inevitable consequence in our life. But does that mean they are no longer
    mistakes then since they are inevitable?
    Inevitablity is nothing to do with classifying a mistake.

    Anyway, this correspondence is just a casual one. Thus not every word is
    carefully thought out before written. Maybe "this sort of problem" should not be
    called mistake since it seems I am blaming my computer without any appreciation
    of its limitation. Maybe "error", or "natural beast" is a better name for "this

    > Suppose you
    > were doing decimal math with 4-figure precision. Then (4+1/3)-(4+2/3)
    > would be
    > 4.333-4.667 = -0.334
    > There is no mistake, but the result is numerically different from the
    > representation of 1/3 = 0.3333 in this system.
    > You are presumably aware that numbers like 1/3, 1/7, 1/11, etc. cannot
    > be exactly represented in decimal, and so you are not surprised when
    > numbers like these have to be approximated. The only additional
    > surprise here is that numbers like 1/5 are also non-terminating binary
    > fractions, with the result that most finite decimal fractions (including
    > .03, .07, .1, .15, and .97) can only be approximated. When you do math
    > with approximate inputs, you should not be surprised when the result is
    > also an approximation. It is not an "error", "mistake", "imperfect
    > conversion", etc. it is just the nature of the beast.
    > Converting to BCD as joeu2004 suggested would not eliminate the problem,
    > as my decimal example illustrated. It would just confine the problem
    > (finite precision approximation to numbers that can only be exactly
    > represented in infinite precision) to numbers where we more readily
    > recognize what has happened. BCD is rarely done in computers, because
    > it is relatively wasteful and slow, which seems a steep price to pay for
    > a "solution" that doesn't fully solve the problem.
    > Extended precision packages like xlPrecision also do not solve the
    > problem, they just push it farther out (though they do have their uses).
    > The only way to completely solve the problem is to do symbolic math

    > But the performance penalty from that option would be totally
    > unacceptable for large spreadsheets.
    > > Just like the countif function. It can't calculate well due to the small
    > > difference of 0.00....005
    > > Any workaround is appreciated.

    > If you are unwilling to standardize the approximations (using ROUND() on
    > the calculations or setting the Precision as Displayed option), then you
    > need to do comparisons that are robust to approximations. Examples
    > would include IF(ROUND(C4,2)=0.07,... or IF(ABS(C4-0.07)<0.005,...
    > For summarizing a range, this would generally require array formulas.

    I'm willing to use round(), but there are tons of rewriting.
    It seems to be impossible to rewrite all of them by human.
    It would be great if you could suggest a method which can rewrite 1000 formulas

    As to "Precision as Displayed", it is a bad idea since I will either sacrifice
    precision or force me to display 10-decimal-point for every figure (clumsy

    Anyway, I just wonder why countif won't work under its "binary-to-decimal"
    If, say, computers can only store 0.06999999...9994 for 0.07, so when I type
    0.07, computers should actually treat it as 0.069999999...9994 (since it can't
    store 0.07 precisely).

    Hmm... I know I am probably asking stupid questions.
    But when I type countif(A1,0.07), it won't count it.
    What does it imply?
    Doesn't it mean computers can still store 0.07?
    To computers, 0.07 or 10-9.93 should mean the same as computers, ie
    0.06999...9994. But from the result, it seems computer read the first one as
    0.07, the second as 0.06999...9994.
    OK, I'm going idiotic. X(

  11. #11
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    Sub RoundAdd()
    Dim myStr As String
    Dim cel As Range
    For Each cel In Selection
    If cel.HasFormula = True Then
    If Not cel.Formula Like "=ROUND(*" Then
    myStr = Right(cel.Formula, Len(cel.Formula) - 1)
    cel.Value = "=ROUND(" & myStr & "," & "2" & ")"
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Sat, 3 Dec 2005 23:20:10 +0800, "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" <x@x.com> wrote:

    >I'm willing to use round(), but there are tons of rewriting.
    >It seems to be impossible to rewrite all of them by human.
    >It would be great if you could suggest a method which can rewrite 1000 formulas

  12. #12

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    Hi Jerry,

    > Extended precision packages like xlPrecision also do not solve the problem, they just push it farther out (though they do have their uses). <

    This is true of some extended precision packages, but not true of
    xlPrecision. xlPrecision never converts anything to binary. xlPrecision
    does all arithmetic in base 10. Using xlPrecision results in no more
    binary conversion errors than doing arithmetic in longhand (i.e.,
    pencil and paper).

    Also, I may be a little foggy on the definition, but I'm not sure that
    it's quite accurate to refer to xlPrecision as "extended" precision.
    xlPrecision is *arbitrary* precision in the sense that the underlying
    algorithms have no maximum number of significant digits. xlPrecision's
    maximum of 32,767 significant digits is simply the result of Excel's
    limit of that many characters in a cell. I could easily extend that by
    allowing array-entering into multiple cells, but I haven't done that
    because I haven't heard of anyone wanting more than 32,767. If I were
    to do so, the next limit I would reach is the largest text string
    variable allowed, which would be a little over 2 billion significant
    digits. Even that could be easily overcome by using arrays. Again, the
    reason I haven't done it is because I don't think anyone would be
    interested in that many significant digits.


    Greg Lovern
    Eliminate Hidden Spreadsheet Errors

  13. #13
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    Don't forget to use this on a copy of your worksheet.

    Macros disable the "undo" function.


    On Sat, 03 Dec 2005 08:23:57 -0800, Gord Dibben <gorddibbATshawDOTca@> wrote:

    >Sub RoundAdd()
    >Dim myStr As String
    >Dim cel As Range
    > For Each cel In Selection
    > If cel.HasFormula = True Then
    > If Not cel.Formula Like "=ROUND(*" Then
    > myStr = Right(cel.Formula, Len(cel.Formula) - 1)
    > cel.Value = "=ROUND(" & myStr & "," & "2" & ")"
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next
    >End Sub
    >Gord Dibben Excel MVP
    >On Sat, 3 Dec 2005 23:20:10 +0800, "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" <x@x.com> wrote:
    >>I'm willing to use round(), but there are tons of rewriting.
    >>It seems to be impossible to rewrite all of them by human.
    >>It would be great if you could suggest a method which can rewrite 1000 formulas

  14. #14
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^ wrote:

    > As to "Precision as Displayed", it is a bad idea since I will either sacrifice
    > precision or force me to display 10-decimal-point for every figure (clumsy
    > looking

    I tend to agree. Some financial calculations are the only context I can
    think of where I would be comfortable with Precision as Displayed.

    > Anyway, I just wonder why countif won't work under its "binary-to-decimal"
    > problem.
    > If, say, computers can only store 0.06999999...9994 for 0.07, so when I type
    > 0.07, computers should actually treat it as 0.069999999...9994 (since it can't
    > store 0.07 precisely).
    > Hmm... I know I am probably asking stupid questions.
    > But when I type countif(A1,0.07), it won't count it.
    > What does it imply?
    > Doesn't it mean computers can still store 0.07?
    > To computers, 0.07 or 10-9.93 should mean the same as computers, ie
    > 0.06999...9994. But from the result, it seems computer read the first one as
    > 0.07, the second as 0.06999...9994.
    > OK, I'm going idiotic. X(

    Re-examine my decimal example. If you did a search for -1/3, would you
    expect it to find -0.334, when -1/3 would calculate as -0.3333?

    What happened in my decimal example, is that while the input numbers
    were accurate to 4 figures, the subtraction canceled the first figure,
    so the result was accurate to roughly 3 figures. Similarly with your
    problem, the subtraction in =4.03-4.1 cancels 6 of the 53 bits used in
    the binary representation of these numbers. Excel will not display more
    than 15 meaningful digits (documented in Help for "Excel specifications
    and limits"). Consequently the approximations involved in representing
    4.03 and 4.1 are not apparent, but after canceling those 6 bits, the
    result of these approximations is visible in the answer.

    The closest you can approximate these numbers based on 53-bit accuracy
    in the mantissa is
    which Excel correctly displays to 15 digits as
    But the closest 53-bit approximation to 0.07 is
    The difference between these two representations is
    which Excel correctly displays to 15 digits as
    It is this difference (analogous to the difference between -0.334 and
    -0.3333 in my decimal example) that Excel is detecting when you try to
    do COUNTIF(C4,-0.07)

    You can see more than 15 digits of the binary representation of numbers
    in Excel by using the VBA functions that I posted at
    But you can easily predict the magnitude of approximation without going
    to such lengths. Just think in terms of the documented 15 figure limit.
    Your problem is then
    vs. the calculated result of

    Also, remember that this is not an Excel issue, rather it is a finite
    mathematics issue compounded by approximations necessary in
    decimal/binary conversions. Excel follows the IEEE standard for
    internal representation of numbers, and so is no more or less accurate
    than almost all general purpose software.

    I know its a lot to take in at once, between this and your array formula
    thread, but it will pay off in the long run.


  15. #15
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel (2)

    gregl@gregl.net wrote:

    > Hi Jerry,
    >>Extended precision packages like xlPrecision also do not solve the problem, they just push it farther out (though they do have their uses). <

    > This is true of some extended precision packages, but not true of
    > xlPrecision. xlPrecision never converts anything to binary.

    Refer back to my decimal example. The basic issue is that some
    calculations simply cannot be performed exactly in a numeric system that
    has less than infinite precision. Decimal/binary conversions merely
    extend that issue to numbers where we might not expect to see it.


  16. #16

    Re: Strange Calculation Error in Excel

    Hi Fred --

    I understand the reason why decimals will not always convert perfectly
    to binary, but the similar problem that I kept running into (primarily
    using Lotus 1-2-3 Ver 1A -- I've only recently had to start working in
    Excel, and so far have had only one occasion to do a work-around in
    that program) is that I would get floating point errors when adding
    WHOLE NUMBERS that mathematically should sum to zero. Surely whole
    numbers should convert perfectly to binary. I frequently needed to
    test whether a sum equaled zero, but the best fix I could come up with
    was "if(abs([formula])<0.001,[do A],[do B]).

    Why adding and subtracting whole numbers would yield these same 15th
    decimal place discrepancies is completely beyond my comprehension.

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