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Use different formula to calculation based on conditions

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  1. #1
    0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

    Use different formula to calculation based on conditions

    It's the look of my Excel file:

    Item 1----Amount
    Category---Details: ...
    Item 2----Amount
    Category---Details: ...
    Item 3----Amount
    Category---Details: ...
    Item 4----Amount
    Category---Details: ...

    As you see:
    - A1 is the item's name; A2 is the price/amount/cost/value of the item
    - B1 is the category the item belongs to; B2 is the description of the item.

    Now I would like to do some math which are the following:
    1) If the category type is income, add all of them
    2) If the category type is one-off expense, add all of them & put a minus sign
    in front of the value
    3) If the category type is daily expense, add all of them & times 30, & put a
    minus sign in front of the value
    4) If the category type is Asset A, put each amount of the item in this
    calculation: (Amount-1000)*3/5
    and so on

    How can I achieve this?
    Thanks a lot.

    Additional information:
    - I'm using Office XP
    - I'm using Windows XP

  2. #2

    RE: Use different formula to calculation based on conditions

    "0-0 Wai Wai ^-^" wrote:
    > It's the look of my Excel file:
    > Item 1----Amount
    > Category---Details: ...
    > Item 2----Amount
    > Category---Details: ...
    > [....]
    > - A1 is the item's name; A2 is the price/amount/cost/value
    > of the item
    > - B1 is the category the item belongs to; B2 is the description
    > of the item.

    What a screwy way to organize information in spreadsheet.
    Someone might have a solution for your arrangement. But
    it might be better to reorganize the spreadsheet in a more
    reasonable. Something like the following:

    Column A: Item
    Column B: Amount
    Column C: Category
    Column D: Description

    Row 1 for Item 1; row 2 for item 2; etc.

    That is probably not the answer you want to hear. But
    sometimes it is an important learn when you are using a
    tool fundamentally wrong or poorly. It will help you in the
    future, if not now.

    Then there are simple solutions to your problems, namely
    (assuming you have 10 items) ....

    > 1) If the category type is income, add all of them


    > 2) If the category type is one-off expense, add all of them

    & put a minus sign in front of the value

    =-SUMIF(C1:C10,"One-off Expense",B1:B10)

    > 3) If the category type is daily expense, add all of them &

    times 30, & put a minus sign in front of the value

    =-30*SUMIF(C1:C10,"Daily Expense",B1:B10)

    > 4) If the category type is Asset A, put each amount of the

    item in this calculation: (Amount-1000)*3/5

    =IF(C1="Asset A",(B1-1000)*3/5,"")

    I suspect you want something different for #4, but your
    description is not clear enough to know for sure. I suspect
    you meant to say that you want the sum of
    (AssetA Amount - 1000)*3/5. That would be:

    =(SUMIF(C1:C10,"Asset A",B1:B10)
    -1000*COUNTIF(C1:C10,"Asset A",B1:B10))*3/5

    Hope that helps in some small way. It is not directly applicable
    to the organization of your data.

  3. #3

    RE: Use different formula to calculation based on conditions

    Errata ....

    I wrote:
    > =(SUMIF(C1:C10,"Asset A",B1:B10)
    > -1000*COUNTIF(C1:C10,"Asset A",B1:B10))*3/5

    Of course, that should be COUNTIF(C1:C10,"Asset A").

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