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Custom Number Format Text

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  1. #1
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Custom Number Format Text

    I have a spreadsheet with custom formatting of a number to show the currency
    name as text. This is a download from another application, so I have no
    control of how it is formatted or the output. For example, I might see the
    following cells in a given single column :

    4,234 EUR
    1,453 USD
    2,999 CHF

    These will all follow the custom format "#,##0 XXX" where XXX is the
    currency type.

    How can I split off the text portion of the format to another column? If my
    orginal cell was A1, how could I make cell A2 = A1(CustomFormatTextOnly)

    I am open to a VBA solution for this as well, but could not figure out how
    to isolate the text.


  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: Custom Number Format Text

    Hi Frank,

    Function StripTxt(a As String) As String
    ' Strips all non-numeric characters from a string
    ' Returns a string, not a number!
    ' Leaves the decimal separator in the string
    Dim i As Long
    Dim b As String
    For i = 1 To Len(a)
    b = Mid$(a, i, 1)
    If ((Asc(b) > 47 And Asc(b) < 58) Or b = Application.DecimalSeparator)
    Then StripTxt = StripTxt + b
    Next i
    End Function

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >I have a spreadsheet with custom formatting of a number to show the
    >currency name as text. This is a download from another application, so I
    >have no control of how it is formatted or the output. For example, I might
    >see the following cells in a given single column :
    > 4,234 EUR
    > 1,453 USD
    > 2,999 CHF
    > These will all follow the custom format "#,##0 XXX" where XXX is the
    > currency type.
    > How can I split off the text portion of the format to another column? If
    > my orginal cell was A1, how could I make cell A2 =
    > A1(CustomFormatTextOnly)
    > I am open to a VBA solution for this as well, but could not figure out how
    > to isolate the text.
    > Frank

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    NON VBA formula

    =len(a4)-3 =left(a4,b4)

  4. #4
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Re: Custom Number Format Text

    With some help I was able to build the following function to accomplish

    Option Explicit

    Function CustomFormatText(Cell) As String

    ' This function was written by Frank Hayes of DuPont with help
    ' from Rich Eagles of Deloitte Consulting and
    ' Niek Otten from the microsoft.public.excel.misc newsgroup
    ' The function will strip out the text between the first set
    ' of quote marks in the target cell and write them to
    ' the cell from which the function was called.
    ' It is meant to be used when you are trying to strip out the
    ' currency name from a cell that is format as a number with
    ' a custom format such as #,##0 "EUR"

    Dim i As Long
    Dim x As String
    Dim CustomFormatString As String

    Dim FirstQuote As Boolean
    Dim SecondQuote As Boolean

    FirstQuote = False
    SecondQuote = False

    CustomFormatString = Cell.NumberFormat

    For i = 1 To Len(CustomFormatString)
    x = Mid$(CustomFormatString, i, 1)

    ' Find the first quote sign in the custom format
    If FirstQuote = False Then
    If Asc(x) = 34 Then
    FirstQuote = True
    GoTo GetNextCharacter
    End If
    End If

    ' Find the second quote sign in the custom format
    If FirstQuote = True Then
    If Asc(x) = 34 Then
    SecondQuote = True
    GoTo TheEnd
    End If
    End If

    ' Write out the characters between the first and second quote
    If FirstQuote = True And SecondQuote = False Then
    CustomFormatText = CustomFormatText + x
    End If

    Next i

    End Function

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