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Excel 2003, Convert EXISTING Worksheet Data to XML?

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  1. #1

    Re: Excel 2003, Convert EXISTING Worksheet Data to XML?

    there is a third party html maker try this url


    <j6vflbl6vy6g8o001@sneakemail.com> wrote in message
    > Hello.
    > First, I've read Excel help and worked through several on-line
    > tutorials on the Microsoft website in regards to XML support in Excel
    > 2003. And, have searched web and Usenet looking for clues. So, please
    > forgive if this has been asked and answered; I didn't find it if it
    > has. Thanks!
    > I've got an Excel spreadsheet containing data.
    > I'd like to be able to export that as XML. Not via the "save as" an
    > XML spreadsheet method - too much extraneous data in the resultant
    > output. Too difficult to parse out the unwanted stuff. Microsoft
    > doesn't even recommend that method.
    > What I'd like to do is what Microsoft recommends anyway: Define an "XML
    > Map" and so on.
    > Problem: All the documentation seems to indicate that you can define
    > the map (either by supplying your own xml schema or by letting Excel
    > create one for you), and then you have to IMPORT xml data into your
    > spreadsheet where it is then stored when you save it.
    > Well, my data's ALREADY in a spreadsheet. Is there ANY way to get
    > Excel to accept THAT DATA as being xml data without me having to (a)
    > re-key it all into a new spreadsheet or (b) export it out via whatever
    > method and convert it to "well formed" xml BY HAND so I can re-bring it
    > back in again?
    > That really, really seems kind of ludicrous!
    > I've tried mapping my xml map to the existing data and it will happily
    > accept JUST THE ONE ROW as being xml data (and subsequently exports
    > just that one row).
    > I've tried making my data into an Excel "list" (2003 feature), and then
    > mapping the xml map to that. Seems to accept it. You see the fields
    > in the tree in the XML Source window jump around as you click on cells
    > in different columns in the data, so it seems to recognize the data as
    > being mapped in it's entirety. But, when you do to the Data menu, XML,
    > Export, it says "Cannot save or export XML data. The XML maps in this
    > workbook are not exportable."
    > Sigh. Come on. Surely many, many, many folks are in this position.
    > Don't tell me Microsoft went to all the trouble to add the level of XML
    > integration that they did to Excel, and negelected to provide some way
    > - any way - for folks to make use of their existing, legacy data?
    > (Without having to go through a needless conversion)
    > Answers, suggestions, tips welcome!!!! In advance, Thank You!
    > p.s. If you can answer the above, perhaps you can also answer this?
    > Say I have my XML map defined, have data that happily believes it's xml
    > in the worksheet, can export to "well formed" xml and so on.
    > Say I want to add a new column? One would think that Excel would then
    > allow you to define a new node in the XML Source tree. Nope. You can
    > add the column, but Excel refuses to accept that new column as xml.
    > Any suggestions? A procedure? Am I just not getting something
    > obvious? Again, thank you!

  2. #2

    Re: Excel 2003, Convert EXISTING Worksheet Data to XML?

    Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. I read the "readme" file for
    HtmlMaker2.42, but there is no mention of XML in it at all... Am I
    missing something?

    Anyone else??? Come on, somebody has got to have gone through this by
    now!!!! I'm sure I can't be the first to run into these issues!?!? ;-)

  3. #3

    Re: Excel 2003, Convert EXISTING Worksheet Data to XML?

    Here's the answer:

    2003 Add-in: XML Tools Add-in</a>

    p.s. How do you get a stinking link to work in Google Groups?? Gave up
    screwing around with the above. Just wondering.

  4. #4

    Re: Excel 2003, Convert EXISTING Worksheet Data to XML?

    Okay, so here's the answer to that: Their "preview" doesn't work the
    same way as it does when you actually post. (Sigh)

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