My problem is as such:

I use Excel 2002 to maintain a list of refurbished endoscopic equipment offered for sale by our company. I have it broken down into "sub-categories" so the workbook has 6 worksheets (or 6 tabs).

The way the document reads, it's supposed to come out as one continuous document (print entire workbook). However, when it prints, it prints the first two tabs as one print document, then the third as a separate document, then the fourth, fifth & sixth tabs as another - therefore, it's actually 3 separate documents being sent to the printer.

This isn't too much of a problem when I send it to a regular paper printer. The problem comes when I send it to Adobe Acrobat v5 through Acrobat Distiller - it makes 3 separate .pdf documents that I then have to combine to make one document.

I've printed multi-tabbed/worksheet Excel workbooks before without running into this problem. I only have this problem with this particular workbook. Are there any settings I can change that will force it to print all these worksheets as one print job so that making PDFs will go smoother and quicker?

~Mark G.