On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 11:47:06 -0800, "c62ip64"
<c62ip64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
>I am importing a fixed length text file containing numeric data with an
>implied decimal point. I want to format the worksheet column to include the
>decimal point. E.g. text file '000012345', worksheet column '0000123.45'
>I can format the column as numeric to include the decimal point and divide
>the value by 100 to get the precision. I am not sure how to define the
>calculation for the column.
>I'm assuming that dividing by 100 is the easiest way to do this. Let me know
>if there is an easier way.
Yes, dividing by 100 is the simplest method.
You can set up a "helper column" with the formula =cell_ref/100.
Copy/Drag down as far as needed
Copy/Paste Special Values to convert the formula to numbers (pasting back over
the original).
You can also type 100 in some blank cell.
Edit/Copy the cell with the 100 in it.
Select the range of numbers to be converted.
Edit/Paste Special Divide