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Mobile Phone Calls

  1. #1
    Mr-Re Man

    Mobile Phone Calls

    Hi, I am in need of a solution that allows me to invoice officers for private
    calls made on their individual works mobile phone. The current system I have
    adopted is lots of paperwork and takes about 2 solid weeks to organise.

    I have spoken with the mobile company and can now get access to good
    detailed information in Excel on every call made. The monthly list however
    consists of approx 10,000 rows so merging months is not an option i can do.

    What I need to do, is to be able to extract individual officers calls (work
    & private) and have them identify the private calls, once they are identified
    and excel or access is updated, I can the generate an invoice requesting

    However it would be good for managers to know, once the officer has
    identified between private and work, firstly how much the individual spends
    monthly between the work/private, then by department by month.

    If anybody has any suggestions or templates that I can adapt, this would be
    really amazing.

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Mobile Phone Calls

    This sounds like a job for an Access database, maybe using Excel to query
    the database pulling of subset data, such as the individual and month.

    Adding to a spreadsheet doesn't sound like a good idea to me, unless you
    archive and summarise all previous monthly data, thereby not building up an
    enormous (for Excel) set of data.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Mr-Re Man" <MrReMan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi, I am in need of a solution that allows me to invoice officers for

    > calls made on their individual works mobile phone. The current system I

    > adopted is lots of paperwork and takes about 2 solid weeks to organise.
    > I have spoken with the mobile company and can now get access to good
    > detailed information in Excel on every call made. The monthly list

    > consists of approx 10,000 rows so merging months is not an option i can

    > What I need to do, is to be able to extract individual officers calls

    > & private) and have them identify the private calls, once they are

    > and excel or access is updated, I can the generate an invoice requesting
    > payment.
    > However it would be good for managers to know, once the officer has
    > identified between private and work, firstly how much the individual

    > monthly between the work/private, then by department by month.
    > If anybody has any suggestions or templates that I can adapt, this would

    > really amazing.

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Mobile Phone Calls

    Are you sure you want to do this?

    If those officers are human beings, then I bet that they won't be able to
    classify all the calls they've made that week--not to mention going back in time
    (a month ago???).

    I think it would be a better decision to allow the people to make as many
    private calls as they deem necessary--it would be a small price to pay to be
    able to have them available at any time.

    I think that the worse I would do is look at the total minutes and remind people
    to not take too much advantage of the phone for personal use (as a group--I
    wouldn't identify any individual).

    I bet you'll have more disharmony (and backlash--I'll turn my phone off when I'm
    not at work!) if you implement your plan.

    And don't forget to include the lost productivity when the officers are keeping
    and reviewing their records--and when they're grousing about the new policy.

    Just my opinion, though.

    Mr-Re Man wrote:
    > Hi, I am in need of a solution that allows me to invoice officers for private
    > calls made on their individual works mobile phone. The current system I have
    > adopted is lots of paperwork and takes about 2 solid weeks to organise.
    > I have spoken with the mobile company and can now get access to good
    > detailed information in Excel on every call made. The monthly list however
    > consists of approx 10,000 rows so merging months is not an option i can do.
    > What I need to do, is to be able to extract individual officers calls (work
    > & private) and have them identify the private calls, once they are identified
    > and excel or access is updated, I can the generate an invoice requesting
    > payment.
    > However it would be good for managers to know, once the officer has
    > identified between private and work, firstly how much the individual spends
    > monthly between the work/private, then by department by month.
    > If anybody has any suggestions or templates that I can adapt, this would be
    > really amazing.


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Mobile Phone Calls


    In the UK that has tax implications. If they don't pay for all personal
    calls it is deemed a perk, and they will be taxed on it. So we pay for our
    private calls.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Dave Peterson" <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote in message
    > Are you sure you want to do this?
    > If those officers are human beings, then I bet that they won't be able to
    > classify all the calls they've made that week--not to mention going back

    in time
    > (a month ago???).
    > I think it would be a better decision to allow the people to make as many
    > private calls as they deem necessary--it would be a small price to pay to

    > able to have them available at any time.
    > I think that the worse I would do is look at the total minutes and remind

    > to not take too much advantage of the phone for personal use (as a

    > wouldn't identify any individual).
    > I bet you'll have more disharmony (and backlash--I'll turn my phone off

    when I'm
    > not at work!) if you implement your plan.
    > And don't forget to include the lost productivity when the officers are

    > and reviewing their records--and when they're grousing about the new

    > Just my opinion, though.
    > Mr-Re Man wrote:
    > >
    > > Hi, I am in need of a solution that allows me to invoice officers for

    > > calls made on their individual works mobile phone. The current system I

    > > adopted is lots of paperwork and takes about 2 solid weeks to organise.
    > >
    > > I have spoken with the mobile company and can now get access to good
    > > detailed information in Excel on every call made. The monthly list

    > > consists of approx 10,000 rows so merging months is not an option i can

    > >
    > > What I need to do, is to be able to extract individual officers calls

    > > & private) and have them identify the private calls, once they are

    > > and excel or access is updated, I can the generate an invoice requesting
    > > payment.
    > >
    > > However it would be good for managers to know, once the officer has
    > > identified between private and work, firstly how much the individual

    > > monthly between the work/private, then by department by month.
    > >
    > > If anybody has any suggestions or templates that I can adapt, this would

    > > really amazing.

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

  5. #5
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Mobile Phone Calls


    Bob Phillips wrote:
    > Dave,
    > In the UK that has tax implications. If they don't pay for all personal
    > calls it is deemed a perk, and they will be taxed on it. So we pay for our
    > private calls.
    > --
    > HTH
    > RP
    > (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
    > "Dave Peterson" <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote in message
    > news:4372157C.F17BA3BA@verizonXSPAM.net...
    > > Are you sure you want to do this?
    > >
    > > If those officers are human beings, then I bet that they won't be able to
    > > classify all the calls they've made that week--not to mention going back

    > in time
    > > (a month ago???).
    > >
    > > I think it would be a better decision to allow the people to make as many
    > > private calls as they deem necessary--it would be a small price to pay to

    > be
    > > able to have them available at any time.
    > >
    > > I think that the worse I would do is look at the total minutes and remind

    > people
    > > to not take too much advantage of the phone for personal use (as a

    > group--I
    > > wouldn't identify any individual).
    > >
    > > I bet you'll have more disharmony (and backlash--I'll turn my phone off

    > when I'm
    > > not at work!) if you implement your plan.
    > >
    > > And don't forget to include the lost productivity when the officers are

    > keeping
    > > and reviewing their records--and when they're grousing about the new

    > policy.
    > >
    > > Just my opinion, though.
    > >
    > > Mr-Re Man wrote:
    > > >
    > > > Hi, I am in need of a solution that allows me to invoice officers for

    > private
    > > > calls made on their individual works mobile phone. The current system I

    > have
    > > > adopted is lots of paperwork and takes about 2 solid weeks to organise.
    > > >
    > > > I have spoken with the mobile company and can now get access to good
    > > > detailed information in Excel on every call made. The monthly list

    > however
    > > > consists of approx 10,000 rows so merging months is not an option i can

    > do.
    > > >
    > > > What I need to do, is to be able to extract individual officers calls

    > (work
    > > > & private) and have them identify the private calls, once they are

    > identified
    > > > and excel or access is updated, I can the generate an invoice requesting
    > > > payment.
    > > >
    > > > However it would be good for managers to know, once the officer has
    > > > identified between private and work, firstly how much the individual

    > spends
    > > > monthly between the work/private, then by department by month.
    > > >
    > > > If anybody has any suggestions or templates that I can adapt, this would

    > be
    > > > really amazing.

    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > Dave Peterson


    Dave Peterson

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