Thank you
Gary's Student

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

> This seems like the easiest way to me.
> Well, if the files that you import all have the same layout, you could record a
> macro that imports the data. The macro would still specify the fields the way
> you like them.
> You could even add headers/footers/print settings/filters/etc to your macro.
> Then just run that macro when you need to import that data.
> (Yes, you'd still have to rename the file to .txt, though.)
> Gary''s Student wrote:
> >
> > I periodically import .cvs files that contain data like
> >
> > 0000
> > 00
> > 00000
> > 0
> >
> > at various places in the file. I need to capture the correct characters in
> > Excel. Because Excel insists on dropping leading zeros, I am forced to
> > rename the file as .txt before opening it. I can then tell the import wizard
> > to treat the data as text.
> >
> > Is there a better way?
> > --
> > Gary's Student

> --
> Dave Peterson