I used the below formula to find the max value in a column, and increment it
to the selection cell.
If Application.Count(Columns(1)) Then
MaxValue = Application.Max(Columns(1))
MaxValue = 0
End If
If Application.CountA(Selection) = 0 Then
Selection.Value = MaxValue + 1
If MsgBox("There are values in the selection. Are you sure you want to
replace?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
' Check OK or Cancel, If OK, replace, if Not OK, abort
Selection.Value = MaxValue + 1
End If
End If
A1 has value 1
A2 has value 1
A3 has value 2
If I select A4, and click my macro button, it will put in value 3
My concern is like this:
If I select A3, it will prompt the mesg that if I want to replace it, then
if I click yes, it will put value 3
But I want it to put value 2, so that when find the max value, it actually
find all in the column , EXCLUDE those in the selection. How can I add those
checking in finding max value in a column excluding those in selection ?
I hope you got what I mean.