If you mean that you want to sum the un-rounded values, I think you have a
problem. If it is values, then how can you possibly know what it was rounded
from? If it is formula relating to other cells, you might be able to concoct
a formula that uses those original cells.
If on the other hand it is just formatted to 2 dec places, no problem. Just
sum them.
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
"walkerdayle" <walkerdayle.1x5myc_1129734307.7529@excelforum-nospam.com>
wrote in message
> HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data in 3 columns that are
> derived using the ROUND function to 2 decimal places. In my total
> column, I want the values of the data added in it's true form. How do
> I do it?
> Hopefully I've explained it right. 
> --
> walkerdayle
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