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Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    New York City

    Unhappy Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

    HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data in 3 columns that are derived using the ROUND function to 2 decimal places. In my total column, I want the values of the data added in it's true form. How do I do it?

    Hopefully I've explained it right.

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

    If you mean that you want to sum the un-rounded values, I think you have a
    problem. If it is values, then how can you possibly know what it was rounded
    from? If it is formula relating to other cells, you might be able to concoct
    a formula that uses those original cells.

    If on the other hand it is just formatted to 2 dec places, no problem. Just
    sum them.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "walkerdayle" <walkerdayle.1x5myc_1129734307.7529@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data in 3 columns that are
    > derived using the ROUND function to 2 decimal places. In my total
    > column, I want the values of the data added in it's true form. How do
    > I do it?
    > Hopefully I've explained it right.
    > --
    > walkerdayle
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > walkerdayle's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=477508

  3. #3

    Re: Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

    walkerdayle wrote:
    > HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data
    > in 3 columns that are derived using the ROUND
    > function to 2 decimal places. In my total column,
    > I want the values of the data added in it's true form.
    > How do I do it?

    You cannot "unround" a formula. So you must
    duplicate the data without using the ROUND function
    and SUM the unrounded data.

    Do you really need to use ROUND, in the first place?
    Would it suit your purposes to simply format the
    original data cells as a Number with 2 decimal places?

    Thus, the original data cells will appear to be
    rounded, but they will retain their true value, which
    you can sum and do other operations with.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    New York City

    Thank you

    Thank you for your suggestion. As an alternative, how can I sum up the rounded values but not the values in the cell? For example: B3 = 5.23 (but it's really 5.2345) and B4=3.23 (3.23111)

    How can I add the two and get the true answer even though B3:B4 are answers using the ROUND function. Note: I didn't create this spreadsheet.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Phillips
    If you mean that you want to sum the un-rounded values, I think you have a
    problem. If it is values, then how can you possibly know what it was rounded
    from? If it is formula relating to other cells, you might be able to concoct
    a formula that uses those original cells.

    If on the other hand it is just formatted to 2 dec places, no problem. Just
    sum them.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "walkerdayle" <walkerdayle.1x5myc_1129734307.7529@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data in 3 columns that are
    > derived using the ROUND function to 2 decimal places. In my total
    > column, I want the values of the data added in it's true form. How do
    > I do it?
    > Hopefully I've explained it right.
    > --
    > walkerdayle
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > walkerdayle's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=477508

  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

    Anita, Hi,

    If you know it is 5.2345 not 5.23 can I assume that the real value is
    somewhere else.

    Can you tell me what the formula is in B3, and also B4 to see the pattern?



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "walkerdayle" <walkerdayle.1x5sij_1129741515.2075@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > Thank you for your suggestion. As an alternative, how can I sum up the
    > rounded values but not the values in the cell? For example: B3 = 5.23
    > (but it's really 5.2345) and B4=3.23 (3.23111)
    > How can I add the two and get the true answer even though B3:B4 are
    > answers using the ROUND function. Note: I didn't create this
    > spreadsheet.
    > Anita
    > Bob Phillips Wrote:
    > > If you mean that you want to sum the un-rounded values, I think you have
    > > a
    > > problem. If it is values, then how can you possibly know what it was
    > > rounded
    > > from? If it is formula relating to other cells, you might be able to
    > > concoct
    > > a formula that uses those original cells.
    > >
    > > If on the other hand it is just formatted to 2 dec places, no problem.
    > > Just
    > > sum them.
    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > RP
    > > (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
    > >
    > >
    > > "walkerdayle"
    > > <walkerdayle.1x5myc_1129734307.7529@excelforum-nospam.com>
    > > wrote in message
    > > news:walkerdayle.1x5myc_1129734307.7529@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > > >
    > > > HELP! I have a problem at work where I have data in 3 columns that

    > > are
    > > > derived using the ROUND function to 2 decimal places. In my total
    > > > column, I want the values of the data added in it's true form. How

    > > do
    > > > I do it?
    > > >
    > > > Hopefully I've explained it right.
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > --
    > > > walkerdayle
    > > >

    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > > walkerdayle's Profile:

    > > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=10021
    > > > View this thread:

    > > http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=477508
    > > >

    > --
    > walkerdayle
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > walkerdayle's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=477508

  6. #6

    Re: Summing Values that are True and Not Rounded

    walkerdayle wrote:
    > As an alternative, how can I sum up the rounded values
    > but not the values in the cell? For example: B3 = 5.23
    > (but it's really 5.2345) and B4=3.23 (3.23111)
    > How can I add the two and get the true answer even though
    > B3:B4 are answers using the ROUND function.

    Your first and second questions are contradictory.
    What are you calling the "true answer"?

    I presume you would like the sum to be 8.465561 or rounded
    to 8.47 instead of 8.46, which is the sum of the rounded
    values. Please confirm.

    (Note that that is __not__ "summing up the rounded values
    but not the values in the cell".)

    Simply put: you cannot do that, at least not directly.

    How big is the spreadsheet -- at least the cells that
    have rounded values?

    If the cells have "=ROUND(...,2)", can you simply do
    one of two things, depending on which best fits your
    overall needs (which are not clear):

    a. Simply edit the cells and remove "=ROUND(" and ",2)".
    Ideally, you only need to edit one cell, then copy
    the modified formula into all similar cells. If you
    want any cells to appear to be rounded to 2 decimal
    places, simply change the cell format (Format > Cells
    > Number, and select Number and 2 Decimal Places).

    b. Copy the cells with "=ROUND(...,2)", then paste them
    somewhere else. Edit the copied cells as described
    in #a.

    Of course, we are all shooting blindly because we
    cannot see your spreadsheet, and your description begs
    for clarification.

    A much simpler solution might be possible if, for
    example, the rounded formula is simply "=ROUND(A3,2)".
    In that case, you might not need to do the edits
    described in #a or #b at all. All you need to do is
    SUM(A3:A4) instead of SUM(B3:B4).

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date
    New York City

    Thank you

    Thank you for all your help, I was able to fix it using the round function pasting the values in another column to calculate.

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