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Any formula scanner software available?

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  1. #1

    Any formula scanner software available?


    Does anyone know of any software that would scan thru Excel workbooks and
    identify/gather formulas and/or show the relationship between formulas?

    We have hundreds of worksheets, containing formulas, that we need to analyze
    to determine the business rules that drive them. Was looking for a way that
    might reduce the analysis time.

    Many thanx,


  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Any formula scanner software available?

    Can you give an example of what you'd like to see? Not sure I follow
    when you say >identify/gather formulas< or >show the relationship
    between formulas<. It's possible to write code that identify which
    cells contains formulas, for instance, but where to go from there to
    answer your requirements?

  3. #3

    Re: Any formula scanner software available?


    In further searching, I came across a utility called "Explode" that, based
    on screenshots on the website, would be along the lines of what I had in
    mind. Unfortunately, the add-in errors out when attempting to use it.

    Basically what I had in mind, was something that would graphically (or
    otherwise) represent all the formulas in a workbook and show the dependencies
    within the workbook as well as external dependencies. Something that would
    generate a report would be outstanding.

    Fyi, the web page for "Explode" can be found here:


    While the formula auditing tools in Excel will show dependencies, it still
    seems rather manual. Would be nice to have something scan the workbook and
    display all formulas in one place.



    "Dave O" wrote:

    > Can you give an example of what you'd like to see? Not sure I follow
    > when you say >identify/gather formulas< or >show the relationship
    > between formulas<. It's possible to write code that identify which
    > cells contains formulas, for instance, but where to go from there to
    > answer your requirements?

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Carbondale CO
    [email protected],
    John Walkenbach has a utility package "Power Utility Pak" I think the latest version in PUPv6 available by download for a free 30 day trial. It has several auditing features one of which is for auditing all the formulas in a worksheet or workbook. I use it alot to final check my stuff and it works perfectly. Note of caution if you generate a report on a large workbook with many worksheets with a lot of formulas it can sometimes take several minutes to finish.

    here is the link. Look for the link to PUPv6



  5. #5

    Re: Any formula scanner software available?

    Many thanx, this should work nicely.



    "Casey" wrote:

    > [email protected],
    > John Walkenbach has a utility package "Power Utility Pak" I think the
    > latest version in PUPv6 available by download for a free 30 day trial.
    > It has several auditing features one of which is for auditing all the
    > formulas in a worksheet or workbook. I use it alot to final check my
    > stuff and it works perfectly. Note of caution if you generate a report
    > on a large workbook with many worksheets with a lot of formulas it can
    > sometimes take several minutes to finish.
    > here is the link. Look for the link to PUPv6
    > http://j-walk.com/ss/
    > HTH
    > --
    > Casey
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Casey's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=4545
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=477232

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