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find nth position of a string

  1. #1

    find nth position of a string

    Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    2. After nth position what text is there?
    3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result

  2. #2
    Mangesh Yadav

    Re: find nth position of a string

    considering that you have the above in A1 and A2, then use:


    2. After nth position, (excluding position n)
    (replace n with whatever number
    If you want to include nth charater as well

    replace n to 4 or 5
    =MID(A1,LEN(A1)-(4-1),1) for the first one
    =MID(A1,LEN(A2)-(5-1),1) for the second one


    "TUNGANA KURMA RAJU" <TUNGANAKURMARAJU@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in
    message news:59C3F921-B3E7-462F-92A7-3FAF88FE6215@microsoft.com...
    > Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    > 2/g/25/21/k/2/5
    > 22/h/25/21/l/3/5
    > 1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    > 2. After nth position what text is there?
    > 3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    > I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result

  3. #3
    Roger Govier

    Re: find nth position of a string


    to find the position of the 4th occurrence of "/" in A1. Change 4 to 5 to
    find the 5th etc.

    To find the same thing starting from the right, you need to know how many
    "/" there are, take 4 or 5 away, and find that occurrence from the left as
    To find the number of "/" in the cell use


    Roger Govier

    > Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    > 2/g/25/21/k/2/5
    > 22/h/25/21/l/3/5
    > 1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    > 2. After nth position what text is there?
    > 3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    > I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result

  4. #4

    Re: find nth position of a string

    Mr.Roger,Thanks a lot .My problem is solved 50%.I want to use the function
    retrive text data that falls between nth position and nth position of
    string"/".How?.Suppose my data in a1,a2 is
    Extract text between 3 and 4th "/" in both the cases(excluding "/").
    Thanks once again

    "Roger Govier" wrote:

    > Hi
    > Try
    > =FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",4))
    > to find the position of the 4th occurrence of "/" in A1. Change 4 to 5 to
    > find the 5th etc.
    > To find the same thing starting from the right, you need to know how many
    > "/" there are, take 4 or 5 away, and find that occurrence from the left as
    > above.
    > To find the number of "/" in the cell use
    > =LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/",""))
    > Regards
    > Roger Govier
    > > Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    > > 2/g/25/21/k/2/5
    > > 22/h/25/21/l/3/5
    > > 1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    > > 2. After nth position what text is there?
    > > 3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    > > I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result


  5. #5
    Roger Govier

    Re: find nth position of a string


    Then combine the formulae for the 3rd and 4th occurrences into a MID() formula

    will return 22 as a text value
    or to return the value as numeric, precede it with a double unary minus


    Roger Govier

    > Mr.Roger,Thanks a lot .My problem is solved 50%.I want to use the function
    > retrive text data that falls between nth position and nth position of
    > string"/".How?.Suppose my data in a1,a2 is
    > 25/s/1/22/k/235
    > 125/1/k/2/222
    > Extract text between 3 and 4th "/" in both the cases(excluding "/").
    > Thanks once again
    > "Roger Govier" wrote:
    >>to find the position of the 4th occurrence of "/" in A1. Change 4 to 5 to
    >>find the 5th etc.
    >>To find the same thing starting from the right, you need to know how many
    >>"/" there are, take 4 or 5 away, and find that occurrence from the left as
    >>To find the number of "/" in the cell use
    >>Roger Govier
    >>>Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    >>>1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    >>> 2. After nth position what text is there?
    >>>3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    >>>I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result


  6. #6

    Re: find nth position of a string

    a million thanks Mr.Roger

    "Roger Govier" wrote:

    > Hi
    > Then combine the formulae for the 3rd and 4th occurrences into a MID() formula
    > =MID(A1,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",3))+1,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",4))-FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",3))-1)
    > will return 22 as a text value
    > or to return the value as numeric, precede it with a double unary minus
    > =--MID(A1,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",3))+1,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",4))-FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",3))-1)
    > Regards
    > Roger Govier
    > > Mr.Roger,Thanks a lot .My problem is solved 50%.I want to use the function
    > > retrive text data that falls between nth position and nth position of
    > > string"/".How?.Suppose my data in a1,a2 is
    > > 25/s/1/22/k/235
    > > 125/1/k/2/222
    > > Extract text between 3 and 4th "/" in both the cases(excluding "/").
    > > Thanks once again
    > >
    > > "Roger Govier" wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > >>Hi
    > >>
    > >>Try
    > >>=FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","^",4))
    > >>to find the position of the 4th occurrence of "/" in A1. Change 4 to 5 to
    > >>find the 5th etc.
    > >>
    > >>To find the same thing starting from the right, you need to know how many
    > >>"/" there are, take 4 or 5 away, and find that occurrence from the left as
    > >>above.
    > >>To find the number of "/" in the cell use
    > >>=LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/",""))
    > >>
    > >>Regards
    > >>
    > >>Roger Govier
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>TUNGANA KURMA RAJU wrote:
    > >>
    > >>>Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    > >>>2/g/25/21/k/2/5
    > >>>22/h/25/21/l/3/5
    > >>>1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    > >>> 2. After nth position what text is there?
    > >>>3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    > >>>I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result
    > >>


  7. #7
    Roger Govier

    Re: find nth position of a string


    You're very welcome. Thanks for the feedback.


    Roger Govier

    > a million thanks Mr.Roger
    > "Roger Govier" wrote:
    >>Then combine the formulae for the 3rd and 4th occurrences into a MID() formula
    >>will return 22 as a text value
    >>or to return the value as numeric, precede it with a double unary minus
    >>Roger Govier
    >>>Mr.Roger,Thanks a lot .My problem is solved 50%.I want to use the function
    >>>retrive text data that falls between nth position and nth position of
    >>>string"/".How?.Suppose my data in a1,a2 is
    >>>Extract text between 3 and 4th "/" in both the cases(excluding "/").
    >>>Thanks once again
    >>>"Roger Govier" wrote:
    >>>>to find the position of the 4th occurrence of "/" in A1. Change 4 to 5 to
    >>>>find the 5th etc.
    >>>>To find the same thing starting from the right, you need to know how many
    >>>>"/" there are, take 4 or 5 away, and find that occurrence from the left as
    >>>>To find the number of "/" in the cell use
    >>>>Roger Govier
    >>>>TUNGANA KURMA RAJU wrote:
    >>>>>Thanks in advance if you can plese give me a function to find
    >>>>>1. 4 th or 5th position string"/" in the above text strings.
    >>>>>2. After nth position what text is there?
    >>>>>3.4 th or 5th position of string"/" from right side ?
    >>>>>I have tried with right,left mid functions but didn't get correctt result

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